NIAAA has a variety of evidence-based products for health professionals and community leaders:

The Healthcare Professional’s Core Resource on Alcohol
The Core Resource on Alcohol offers FREE CME/CE credit for 14 practical, evidence-based articles for healthcare professionals about alcohol and health, including foundational knowledge, clinical impacts, and strategies for preventing and treating alcohol problems.

Native Communities: Alcohol Intervention Review (NativeAIR)
NativeAIR provides Tribal and community leaders, educators, health professionals, and others with research-based information that they can use in their efforts to reduce the adverse impact of alcohol in their communities.

Underage and College Drinking Research

Screening and Brief Interventions for Youth

Surveillance Reports and Epidemiologic Resources
This grouping of NIAAA Resources contains data directories and reports on alcohol-related problems.
- Surveillance Reports
- U.S. Alcohol Epidemiologic Data Reference Manuals
- Alcohol Epidemiologic Data Directory
- Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS)

Additional Reports and Resources

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