Funding Opportunities
NIAAA seeks grant applications through a variety of requests for applications (RFAs), program announcements (PAs), and other Notices of Funding Opportunities.
COVID-19 Funding Information
- As of May 11, 2023, the HHS declared public health emergency for COVID-19 is terminated. Per NOT-OD-23-095, “Expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency,” NIH will no longer issue Emergency Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) related to COVID-19, effective May 12, 2023.
- Administrative supplement requests related to hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic should refer to the NIAAA-specific requirements at
- If you have questions, please contact NIAAA extramural program staff (, or Dr. Philippe R. Marmillot, Director, NIAAA Office of Extramural Activities ([email protected]).
Types of Funding Opportunities
There are several types of funding opportunities, each designed to meet specific research needs.
- Research Grants (R series)
- Career Development Awards (K series)
- Research Training and Fellowships (T & F series)
- Program Project/Center Grants (P series)
- Resource Grants (various series)
- Trans-NIH Programs
- Inactive Programs (Archive)
NIAAA Notices of Funding Opportunities
- Requests for Applications (RFAs) issued by NIAAA
- Program Announcement (PAs) issued by NIAAA
- Parent Announcements for unsolicited or investigator-initiated applications
- NIAAA Small Business (SBIR/STTR) Funding Opportunities
- All Notices of Funding Opportunities and notices with NIAAA participation
- NIAAA Conference Grants (R13/U13)
- NIAAA policy for Submission of Applications Containing Genome-Wide Association Studies (NOT-AA-17-002)
Clinical Trial Requirements for Grants and Contracts
See whether your trial meets the definition of a clinical trial and the specific requirements necessary if it does.
NIAAA Research Priorities
See NIAAA’s research priorities and its updated strategic plan.
NIAAA Advisory Council Concept Clearance
Concepts that cleared through the NIAAA Advisory Council alert researchers to NIAAA interests and potential funding opportunities.
Funded Projects
A complete list of NIAAA-funded extramural grants is available from the NIH RePORTER database. Going back to 1988, the database includes research summaries and other information about each grant.
Application Process
Visit the Application Process page to get the information about grant applications, the peer review process, and understanding how applications are selected for funding.