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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Meta-analysis supports AA as treatment for AUD

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is as effective as established behavioral treatments for some people with alcohol use disorder (AUD), according to an extensive review of NIAAA-supported research and other studies. As reported March 11 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Review , researchers used a meta-analysis to show that AA and other 12-step facilitation interventions are effective in helping individuals with...

Deaths involving alcohol increased during the COVID-19 pandemic
Recently researchers at NIAAA used the national death certificate database to assess changes in alcohol-related deaths during the first year of the pandemic. The results, published in JAMA , show that after increasing around 2.2% per year over the previous two decades, deaths involving alcohol jumped 25.5% between 2019 to 2020, totaling 99,107 deaths. 1 The study showed that alcohol-associated...

News Release

NIAAA Releases New Alcohol Prevention Website for Middle Schoolers
For Release

[ ARCHIVED NEWS RELEASE ] The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has released a new version of The Cool Spot, the institute's website for middle school (11- to 13-year-old) children. [NOTE: In 2024, NIAAA replaced the site with NIAAA for Middle School .] " The Cool Spot uses engaging...

Teen Brain Activity May Signal Future Alcohol Problems

Brain activity patterns may provide clues about a young person’s risk for initiating harmful alcohol use, according to new research supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). NIAAA-funded scientists led by Susan Tapert, Ph.D., and Lindsay Squeglia, Ph.D., of the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, and VA San Diego Healthcare, used magnetic resonance...

News Release

Alcohol "Flush" Signals Increased Cancer Risk Among East Asians
For Release

Many people of East Asian descent possess an enzyme deficiency that causes their skin to redden, or flush, when they drink alcohol. Scientists from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and Japan's KurihamaAlcoholCenter now caution that heavy alcohol consumption greatly increases the risk for esophageal cancer among such individuals, who comprise about 8 percent of the world's...

News Release

Early Alcohol Dependence Linked to Reduced Treatment Seeking and Chronic Relapse
For Release

Individuals who become alcohol dependent before age 25 are less likely to ever seek treatment than those who become alcohol dependent at age 30 or older, according to a new study supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They also are more likely to have multiple dependence episodes...

News Release

NICHD News Release: New Study Finds Babies Born To Mothers Who Drink Alcohol Heavily May Suffer Permanent Nerve Damage
For Release

Newborns whose mothers drank alcohol heavily during pregnancy had damage to the nerves in the arms and legs, according to a study by researchers at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, one of the National Institutes of Health. The study was conducted in collaboration with researchers at the University of Chile. The nerve damage was still present...

News Release

5th National Screening Day to Focus Americans on Alcohol and Health: NIAAA Analysis Suggests One-Third of Adults Are "Risky" Drinkers
For Release

"Alcohol and your health – where do you draw the line?" is the question asked by the 2003 National Alcohol Screening Day (NASD), a program of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Screening for Mental Health (SMH), Inc., and their partners. On April 10, nearly 4000 sites across...


New NIAAA Spectrum Now Online

Featuring the latest news from the alcohol research field, infographics, and interviews with NIAAA staff and grantees... The Intramural Division--A Core Component of NIAAA's Research Program As the lead Federal agency for research on alcohol and health, NIAAA is structured in a way that captures all areas of alcohol science. Through an integrated and multidisciplinary program of basic and applied...

NIAAA Director's Statement before the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies, March 19, 1998

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Statement by Enoch Gordis, M.D., Director National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism March 19, 1998 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: The FY1999 President's budget request for the NIAAA is $230,243,000, an increase of $17.5 million over the FY 1998 appropriation. Including the estimated allocation for AIDS, total...

FY 1999 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies

Statement by Enoch Gordis, M.D., Director National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services March 19, 1998 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: The FY1999 President's budget request for the NIAAA is $230,243,000, an increase of $17.5 million over the FY 1998 appropriation. Including the estimated allocation for AIDS, total...

FY 2000 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies

Statement by Enoch Gordis, M.D., Director National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services March 2, 1999 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: The FY 2000 budget request for NIAAA is $248.9 million, excluding AIDS, an increase of $5.8 million or 2.4 percent over the current FY 1999 amount. Including...

News Release

National Alcohol Screening Day - April 11, 2002
For Release

Alcohol and your health - where do you draw the line? This is the theme of the 2002 National Alcohol Screening Day, a program of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Screening for Mental Health, Inc., and their partners. Free, anonymous screening for alcohol problems, information on the health consequences...

News Release

NIAAA to conduct clinical trial of new medication for alcohol use disorder
For Release

NIH researchers seek to expand treatment options The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) will conduct a clinical trial of gabapentin enacarbil as a potential treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD). NIAAA estimates that the six-month trial will begin in the first half of 2015 and will enroll approximately 350 participants. The study will assess the safety and...

RFA on Health Services with An Emphasis on Health Disparities
Laura Kwako, Ph.D. Purpose The Division of Treatment and Recovery Research (DTRR) seeks to expand the Division’s portfolio to advance five main areas in health services research listed below in the research goals/statement of work section. Background Alcohol consumption in the United States falls along a wide spectrum of drinking patterns, ranging from occasional and moderate to chronic heavy drinking...


Women and Alcohol: Join us for a Twitter Chat with NCADD
Thursday, December 14, 2017, 1:00 pm EST

Description: Why are drinking guidelines different for women than men? How do the health effects of heavy drinking differ? Where can women turn for help if they have an alcohol problem? The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) are partnering for a Twitter Chat on women and alcohol...

Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System (AEDS) Re-competition
Brad Kerridge, Ph.D. May 09, 2023 Background The Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System (AEDS) is a contract-funded effort in support of the NIAAA mission to provide in-house statistical analysis and programming support for use by NIAAA staff who are conducting alcohol-related epidemiologic research. The current AEDS contract is administered by CSR, Inc. and provides NIAAA staff technical support including expert statistical...

News Release

New NIAAA resource gives guidance on treatment options for alcohol problems
For Release
Publication includes information on effective but underutilized approaches A new resource from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will help individuals and families understand available treatment options for alcohol problems. Developed by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the NIH, Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help , covers the latest research-based treatments and...
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