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News & Events

Press Room

Updated: February 2025

The NIAAA press office is the central contact for all members of the news media. The office can assist you in arranging interviews with NIAAA experts and in providing accurate and timely alcohol-related research news and information.

Contact the Press Team

Reporters or other members of the news media can reach the NIAAA press team via sends email) or 301-443-2857. Members of the public should contact sends email) or call 301-443-3860 for assistance with questions.

Resources for the News Media

Facts and Figures

  • Alcohol Facts and Statistics provides up-to-date information on alcohol consumption and its impact in the United States and globally. Explore topics related to alcohol misuse and treatment, alcohol-related deaths, underage drinking, the effects of alcohol on the human body, and more.
  • NIAAA Surveillance Reports provide information in alcohol drinking patterns and alcohol-related harms, including U.S. national, state, and regional trends.

How to discuss alcohol

  • Drinking Levels Defined discusses recommendations about alcohol use related to the "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025,” developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. The dietary guidelines provide recommendations on what the average American should eat and drink to promote health and help prevent chronic disease. This page also provides NIAAA definitions for binge drinking and heavy drinking.
  • What is a Standard Drink? provides specifics about what constitutes a standard drink.
  • Reducing Alcohol-Related Stigma provides guidance on how to reduce stigma—what terms to use, and what terms to avoid.

Other NIAAA resources

  • Alcohol and Your Health provides a list of resources covering topics about alcohol and health, including topics such as alcohol use disorder, binge drinking, alcohol and women, alcohol and older adults, alcohol overdose, alcohol and medication interaction, alcohol and the brain, and resources for parents for how to talk to their children about alcohol.
  • Rethinking Drinking provides support for individuals who wish to assess their drinking patterns, or cut back on or quit drinking.
  • The NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator discuss alcohol use disorder (AUD) and how to identify and locate quality care for AUD.
  • The Healthcare Professional’s Core Resource on Alcohol provides information to healthcare professionals about what they need to know about alcohol.
  • College Drinking Prevention, CollegeAIM (NIAAA’s College Alcohol Intervention Matrix), and Alcohol Interventions for Young Adults discuss patterns and consequences of drinking in youth and young adults, and common alcohol myths.
  • NIAAA Medications Development discusses currently available medications for AUD, and highlights research efforts towards developing new medications for AUD. Medications can be used alone or in combination with behavioral therapy as an effective treatment for AUD.
  • The Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS) provides detailed information on alcohol-related policies in the United States at the state and federal level.
  • The NIAAA Director’s Blog discusses advances in alcohol-related research, NIAAA resources, and alcohol-related hot topics.
  • About Us provides information on NIAAA’s mission, strategic plan, funding, and more. 


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