Small Business Research Funding (SBIR/STTR)
NIAAA SBIR and STTR Factsheet (PDF, 1,355 KB)About NIAAA's Small Business Research Funding Programs
NIAAA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) & Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) programs provide small businesses with funding and resources including grants, contracts, and technical support to explore and create new solutions for alcohol use disorder (AUD).
- SBIR supports early-stage research and development projects at small businesses.
- STTR supports small businesses in a formal collaboration with a non-profit research institution.
View Open SBIR/STTR Funding Opportunities.
Program Benefits
- Receive funds that are non-diluted, stable, and predictable.
- Keep your intellectual property rights.
- Gain recognition to attract future funding from partners and investors.
- Apply for technical assistance, commercialization, and R&D support.
- Apply for training programs to help ensure success.
Supported Research Areas
NIAAA supports research on the causes, prevention, control, and treatment of the major health problems associated with alcohol use.
Learn more about SBIR/STTR research areas.
Comparison of SBIR and STTR Programs Eligibility Requirements
Project Leadership
- SBIR requires the project’s principal investigator to be employed primarily (more than half-time) by the small business during the award period, unless NIH grants a waiver of this requirement.
- STTR does not define employment criteria for the project’s principal investigator.
Nonprofit Research Institution Partners
- STTR requires the small business to have a formal collaboration agreement with a nonprofit research institution during Phases I and II. The research institution is responsible for at least 30 percent of the total effort for the project, and the small business is responsible for at least 40 percent.
- SBIR encourages but does not require nonprofit research institution partnership. A research institution can complete up to 33 percent of the total effort for a Phase I project and up to 50 percent of the total effort for a Phase II project, as applicable.
Learn more about SBIR/STTR program eligibility criteria.
Important SBIR/STTR Deadlines, Processes, and Tips for Success
Program Deadlines
This program has 3 regular deadlines for submitting program applications:
- January 5
- April 5
- September 5
Phases and Funding Levels
The SBIR and STTR program also has regular phases and funding levels that are important to keep in mind.
Learn about the phases and funding levels for the SBIR/STTR program.
Tips for Success
Learn what you can do to make sure your application is strong and meets all the criteria for submission.
News and Events
Success Stories
Learn how past grantees used funding from the small business program to grow their businesses.
Read about past grantees’ Success Stories and experiences.
Webinars and Events
Check out upcoming events and past webinars to learn more about the program.
Register for future webinars and events.
For more information about SBIR/STTR programs, contact:

SBIR/STTR Program Director
Megan Ryan, M.B.A.