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Alcohol Research Resource (R24 and R28) Awards

NIAAA’s Alcohol Research Resource (R24 and R28) Awards support investigator-initiated projects that develop resources to serve the broader alcohol-research community.  Resources include biological specimens, animals, data, materials, tools, or services made available to any qualified investigator to accelerate alcohol-related research in a cost-effective manner.   
Please send inquiries to the Principal Investigator listed below or contact the appropriate NIAAA Program Director. 


Brain Tissue Resource Center for Alcohol Research (R28 AA012725)

Goal of resource:  The Research Resource provides human post-mortem brain tissue, and associated clinical information, to researchers worldwide. Tissues are collected from individuals with alcohol use disorders and controls through a prospective donor program or from people undergoing forensic autopsy. Excluded from the resource are brain samples from human subjects, who were documented to have misused other drugs (besides nicotine).
Contact PI:      Jillian June Kril, Ph.D., FFSc.
                        University of Sydney
                        +61 2 86278137
                        [email protected]
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CoPARC: Colorado Pulmonary Alcohol Research Collaborative (R24 AA019661)

Goal of resource:  To determine the mechanisms whereby alcohol use disorders (AUDs) increase the predisposition to lung pathologies. Available biological specimens include bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL, fluid and cells), exhaled breath condensate (EBC); in some cases, bronchial airway epithelial cell (BAEC) brushings (cytologic, sometimes microbiologic), urine, plasma or serum, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from well-characterized human subjects.
Contact PI:      Ellen Burnham, MD
                        University of Colorado Denver
                        [email protected]
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Mouse Genetic Models for Alcohol Excessive Drinking and Dependence (R24 AA020245)

Goal of resource:  To maintain and provide access to selectively bred mouse lines for alcohol research.  In addition, congenic strains and transgenic and knockout lines for quantitative trait locus (QTL) gene mapping studies are also maintained.
Contact PI:      Tamara Richards, Ph.D.   
                        Oregon Health & Science University
                        [email protected]
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Monkey Alcohol Tissue Research Resource (MATRR) (R24 AA019431)

Goal of resource:  To provide the alcohol research community access to tissue and data generated from cohorts of monkeys that have been subjected to a voluntary alcohol self-administration protocol.  Informatics resources for the MATRR include an integrated laboratory information management system for tissue tracking and data management and the development of a system for the integrated analysis of genomic, genetic and phenotypic information.
Contact PI:      Kathleen Grant, Ph.D.
                        Oregon Health & Science University
                        [email protected]
NIH RePORTER Project Information


Enriching Alcoholism Cohort and Population Studies (R24 AA023487)

Goal of resource: To expand the Family Research Center (FRC) to enable testing of a broad array of research hypotheses about risk mechanisms in the onset, progression and remission of alcohol use disorders (AUD), as well as social/familial, physiological/genomic and medical consequences of AUD.
Contact PI:      Andrew Heath, DPhil
                        Washington University
                        [email protected]
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Clinical Resources for Alcoholic Hepatitis Investigations (R24 AA025017)

Goal of resource:  To develop a clinical resource of severe alcoholic hepatitis (AH) that serve the alcohol research community by generating transcriptome and proteome databases from liver tissues from patients with severe AH and establishing a centralized database of de-identified samples for promoting access to otherwise unavailable specimens.  Available biological specimens include de-identified human samples (liver tissues, hepatic cells, whole blood, PBMCs, serum, plasma) from patients with severe AH.
Contact PI:      Zhaoli Sun, M.D., Ph.D.
                        Johns Hopkins University
                        [email protected]
NIH RePORTER Project Information


RGAP: The Heritable Transcriptome and Alcoholism (R24 AA013162)

Goal of resource:  To make available high quality genetic and whole genome microarray expression data (brain and other organs) from animal models of alcohol use disorders (AUDs) including recombinant inbred and inbred strains of mice and rats.  Available online tools allow a user to identify candidate genes and transcriptional networks for complex physiological and behavioral traits based on the tenets of quantitative genetics, i.e., by combining transcript expression and phenotypic data with expression and behavioral QTL data.
Contact PI:      Boris Tabakoff, Ph.D.
                        University of Colorado Denver
                        [email protected]
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Integrative Liver Cell Core (R24 AA012885)

Goal of resource:  To promote in-depth research on different liver cell types which are involved in various spectra of liver pathology in alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and liver fibrosis via isolation and culturing of 6 different liver cell types from normal and diseased rodent livers.  Available specimens include hepatocytes, hepatic macrophages, hepatic stellate cells, liver mesothelial cells, and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells.
Contact PI:      Hidekazu Tsukamoto, DVM, Ph.D.
                        University of Southern California
                        [email protected]
NIH RePORTER Project Information


Mouse Models for Alcohol Metabolism and Tissue Injury (R24 AA022057)

Goal of resource:  To maintain and make available transgenic knockout animal models that are unique and have high relevance to alcohol research.  Current models include conventional and tissue-specific conditional knockouts of various alcohol-metabolizing and glutathione-synthesizing enzymes.  Ethanol/acetaldehyde pharmacokinetic analysis for each knockout produced are provided including a description of the methodology used. New models will be added as these become available.
Contact PI:      Vasilis Vasiliou, Ph.D.
                        Yale University
                        [email protected]
NIH RePORTER Project Information


Center for Circadian Rhythms and Alcohol-Induced Tissue Damage (CCRAITD) (R24 AA026801-01A1)

Goal of resource:  The objective of the CCRAITD is to provide the necessary infrastructure, support, and expertise that will allow both alcohol researchers in the United States and internationally to incorporate the study of circadian rhythms into their existing research programs. The Resource Center will allow alcohol researchers to conduct studies in the Center’s facility at Rush University, and will be provided with biospecimens from their study to evaluate study-specific outcomes. CCRAITD will also provide biospecimens from alcohol-fed, circadian disrupted mice and circadian disrupted humans consuming alcohol, and biospecimens from CCRAITD biorepository to alcohol researchers.
Contact PI:      Ali Keshavarzian, Ph.D.
                        Rush University Medical Center
                        312 563-4175
                        [email protected]
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