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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

News Release

Severe Childhood ADHD May Predict Alcohol, Substance Use Problems in Teen Years
For Release

Scientists tracking the progress of children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as they became teenagers have shed new light on the link between ADHD and the risk of developing alcohol and substance use problems. The researchers found that individuals with severe problems of inattention as children were more likely than their peers to report alcohol-related problems, a greater frequency of...

NIAAA Data and Safety Monitoring Plan Requirements for NIAAA-funded Clinical Trials

Purpose To provide grant applicants with guidance and information on the development of data and safety monitoring plans (DSMP) for NIH-defined clinical trials funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). Introduction In June 1998, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued a policy on data and safety monitoring requiring oversight and monitoring of all NIH funded...

NIAAA Scientific Review Group Rosters
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Initial Review Group (IRG) reviews grant and cooperative agreement applications and contract proposals for research projects and for research and training activities in areas of clinical, treatment, and health services research, and in the areas of biochemistry, physiology, and medicine. NIAAA Study Sections and Special Emphasis Panels meetings are closed in accordance...
​​​​​​​Alcohol Interventions for Young Adults
The period after high school is a transitional time. Many young adults have greater freedom and independence, and they take on more responsibility as they enter the next chapter of their lives. During this time, young adults may have an increased vulnerability for alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorder. Below are strategies for addressing alcohol misuse among young adults. Individual-level...
The importance of alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in closing the alcohol use disorder treatment gap
This article was first published in NIAAA Spectrum Volume 15, Issue 2. Decades of research have firmly established the importance of asking primary care patients about their alcohol use, providing brief advice about reducing alcohol misuse, and referring them to appropriate alcohol treatments, as necessary. Studies consistently find that these practices, known collectively as alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral...

News Release

National Survey Sharpens Picture of Major Depression Among U.S. Adults
For Release

Findings from the largest survey ever mounted on the co-occurrence of psychiatric disorders among U.S. adults afford a sharper picture than previously available of major depressive disorder* (MDD) in specific population subgroups and of MDD’s relationship to alcohol use disorders (AUDs) ** and other mental health conditions. The new analysis of data from the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol...

Alcohol Interventions for Young Adults for Healthcare Professionals
The period after high school is a transitional time. Many young adults have greater freedom and independence, and they take on more responsibility as they enter the next chapter of their lives. During this time, young adults may have an increased vulnerability for alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorder. Healthcare professionals play an important role in addressing alcohol misuse in...
Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (CIFASD)
Joe Wang, Division of Metabolism and Health Effects Purpose The purpose of the proposed NOFOs is to solicit applications to continue the Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (CIFASD) consortium. CIFASD is an NIAAA-funded initiative conducting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) research through multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches. Applications responsive to these NOFOs should address urgent and important issues around...
Meet Your Expectations – Guide for Adult Leader
Use the following role-playing exercise to explore and discuss expectations around alcohol with your middle schooler. To view or download printouts of the scripts, please click here [PDF – 3.98 MB]. Role-Playing Exercise Do you think drinking a sports drink will make you a better athlete? What about if you wear the coolest new clothes—will everyone stop and check you...
Section on Clinical Psychoneuroendocrinology and Neuropsychopharmacology (CPN)
Lorenzo Leggio, M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc., Chief Section on Clinical Psychoneuroendocrinology and Neuropsychopharmacology (CPN)* *A joint National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Laboratory National Institutes of Health (NIH) 10 Center Drive (10CRC/15330) MSC 1108 Room 1-5429 Bethesda, MD 20892-1108 telephone: 301.435.9398 e-mail: Lab e-mail: NIDA website: Dr. Lorenzo Leggio...
NIAAA fosters innovation through its small business research program
This article was first published in NIAAA Spectrum Volume 14, Issue 2. The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) program supports the development and commercialization of innovative tools, technologies, and strategies. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) SBIR/STTR program aims to improve the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment—as well as recovery from—alcohol-related...
HIV and Alcohol: Ending the Epidemic
Title : HIV and Alcohol: Ending the Epidemic (EHE) Contact : Kendall Bryant Ph.D. Background The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative in 2019. The initiative aims to reduce new HIV infections in the U.S. by 90% by 2030 by scaling up key HIV prevention and treatment...
Table 2. Number and rate of discharges with any (all-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, by sex and age group, 2000–2015
Diagnostic category and year Number of discharges (in 1,000s) Rate per 10,000 population Total 1 Male Female 12–20 years 21–24 years 25–44 years 45–64 years 65+ years Total 1 Male Female 12–20 years 21–24 years 25–44 years 45–64 years 65+ years Any alcohol-related diagnosis 2015 2576.6 1680.6 895.5 36.3 58.3 573.5 1317.0 591.5 94.64 126.25 64.36 9.60 31.78 67.88 156.98...
Table 1. Number and rate of discharges with principal (first-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, by sex and age group, 2000–2015
Diagnostic category and year Number of discharges (in 1,000s) Rate per 10,000 population Total 1 Male Female 12–20 years 21–24 years 25–44 years 45–64 years 65+ years Total 1 Male Female 12–20 years 21–24 years 25–44 years 45–64 years 65+ years Any alcohol-related diagnosis 2015 411.7 289.0 122.6 3.0 7.0 123.7 228.5 49.5 15.12 21.71 8.81 0.80 3.79 14.65 27.24...
El metabolismo del alcohol
Beber demasiado pone a las personas en riesgo de presentar muchas consecuencias adversas para la salud, incluido el trastorno por consumo de alcohol (AUD, por su sigla en inglés), daño hepático y varios tipos de cáncer. Pero algunas personas parecen estar en mayor riesgo que otras de desarrollar estos problemas. ¿Por qué algunas personas beben más que otras? ¿Y por...
NIAAA Guidelines – Administrative Supplements and Extensions
Administrative supplement applications submitted in response to the NIH Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) PA-20-272 , Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (parent administrative supplement NOFO). NIAAA may accept unsolicited administrative supplement applications submitted through PA-20-272 , or linked to a notice of special interests (NOSI), which must be indicated in Box4B of the application. Timeline Unless...
Director's Page
George F. Koob, Ph.D., is an internationally-recognized expert on alcohol and stress, and the neurobiology of alcohol and drug addiction. He is the Director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), where he provides leadership in the national effort to reduce the public health burden associated with alcohol misuse. As NIAAA Director, Dr. Koob oversees a broad...

Directors Reports

NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the 128th Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Contents: A. Legislation, Budget, and Policy B. Director's Activities C. NIAAA Staff and Organization D. Press Releases E. Multi-Media Products F. News Media Interactions G. NIAAA Program Announcement and Request for Applications Information H. NIAAA Research Programs A. Legislation, Budget, and Policy Budget Update - FY 2011 The NIAAA is currently closing out FY 2011. The FY 2011 full year...
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