Post-Baccalaureate IRTA Fellow
Avery Arsenault, B.S.

Biographical Summary
Avery Arsenault started as a postbaccalaureate IRTA fellow in the Office of the Clinical Director (OCD) at the NIAAA in Fall of 2022, after receiving her B.S. in Public Health from The University of Texas at Austin. In college, she worked in a Sociology lab focused on understanding biosocial pathways related to race and social marginalization, and how these experiences shape health risks and health disparities among targeted populations. Her independent research project included an honors thesis focused on community based participatory research to target cardiovascular disease through e-health interventions in marginalized communities across the U.S. Inspired by her work in community outreach and the diverse public health curriculum in college, and now, the important work at the NIAAA focused on alcohol use interventions and policy development, Avery aspires to enter the Health Policy and Law space. Her goal is to bridge the gaps between science and law to make healthcare and science education more accessible.