Data Archive and Resources
NIAAA supports sharing scientific data by providing researchers with a data repository, NIAAA Data Archive, for NIAAA-funded data and by sharing data obtained through NIAAA-sponsored clinical trials.
NIAAA Data Archive
The NIAAA Data Archive (NIAAADA) is a data repository of NIAAA-funded activities that includes human subjects. The data in the NIAAADA are cataloged and made available to the general research community at the time of an associated publication or the end of the award/support period, whichever comes first.
NIAAA Controlled Datasets
NIAAA owns datasets from multiple trials and epidemiological surveys that are available to the general research community. These datasets are considered limited access data with personal identifiers and other variables that might enable individual partitions to be identified removed or otherwise modified.
Learn more about NIAAA Controlled Datasets.