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NIAAA Staff Profile


Program Officer, Treatment, Health Services, and Recovery Branch (THSRB)

Miya Whitaker, Psy.D., M.A.

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6700B Rockledge Drive
Room 1328
Bethesda, MD 20892

Focus Area

Community-wide prevention trials; Comorbidity PTSD; Harmful drinking among women; treatment of HIV/AIDS and harmful drinking; AUD and co-occurring mental health and medical disorders; and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; Health Disparities; Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment; SDOH research; Sexual assault and intimate partner violence; Social determinants of health; Stress and PTSD; Training program grants; Treatment services research, including availability, utilization, and quality; Women’s health

Biographical Summary

Dr. Miya Whitaker is a Health Scientist Administrator in the Treatment, Health Services & Recovery Branch (THSRB). THSRB is in the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s Division of Treatment and Recovery. Dr. Whitaker will support THSRB’s funded interdisciplinary research spanning behavioral health services and services integration with a special emphasis consideration of SDOH-, intersectional and multidimensional influences on alcohol use disorder risk, trajectory, and the co-occurrence with psychiatric diagnoses. Other areas of interest include trauma informed treatment approaches, integrated cognitive behavioral and enactment methods applied to recovery services and using innovative technology to support care coordination. Dr. Whitaker is passionate about the advancement community-engaged approaches, action on structural and social drivers of health disparities in underserved communities, and investment in the next generation of biomedical scientists. Dr. Whitaker has a doctorate and master’s degree in clinical psychology and completed postdoctoral research training in drug dependence epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and within the Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Research Branch at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Prior to coming to NIAAA, she led the U3 administrative supplement program for the Office of Research on Women’s Health; the program funded rigorous interdisciplinary research focused on health and healthcare inequities among populations of women understudied, underrepresented, and underreported in biomedical research.

Selected Publications

Brown, A.G.M, Winchester, D., Bynum, S.A., Amolegbe, S.M., Ferguson, Y.O., Flournoy Floyd, M., Lawhorn, C., Le, J.T., Lloyd J., Oh, A.Y., Tyus, N., Whitaker, D.E., & Boyce, C.A. (2024). Listening Sessions to Shape the Innovative NIH ComPASS Common Fund Program to Advance Health Equity. American Journal of Public Health 0, e1_e5,

Barr, E., Whitaker, D.E. & Stratton, P.S. 2022. Pregnancy and SARS-CoV-2: An opportunity to systematically study the complexity of maternal health. Lancet Digit Health. 2022 Feb; 4(2): e76–e77.

Whitaker, D.E., Snyder, F.R., San Miguel-Majors, S.L., Bailey, L.O., & Springfield, S.A. (2020). Screen to Save: Results from NCI's Colorectal Cancer Outreach and Screening Initiative to Promote Awareness and Knowledge of Colorectal Cancer in Racial/Ethnic and Rural Populations. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 29(5):910-917.

Willner-Reid, J., Whitaker, D., Epstein, D.H., Phillips, K.A., Pulaski, A.R., Preston, K.L., & Willner, P. (2015). Cognitive-behavioural therapy for heroin and cocaine use: ecological momentary assessment of homework simplification and compliance. Psychol Psychother; 89(3):276-93.

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