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Epi-Genetic Modulators of Fear Extinction in Alcohol Dependence


man alcohol image


Doctors at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) seek healthy volunteers 21-65 years of age to participate in a study researching if alcohol dependence and early life stress affect the ability to learn to feel calm.  



All study-related tests and procedures are provided at no cost to you.  Compensation may be provided.



Study highlights include:

  • 2 day, 1 overnight stay at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD


  • 2 MRI’s, blood draws, and answering questionnaires


  • Willingness to sign a consent to participate in a study





  • Are between 21-65 years of age


  • Had a stressful childhood


  • Are generally healthy


You may not be eligible if you:

  • Have any major medical problems, e.g. heart or lung condition, uncontrolled high blood pressure, etc. 


For more information, 

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