NIAAA T32 and T35 Supplemental Information
Supplemental Information for National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Institutional National Research Service Awards (T32 and T35)
This policy statement of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) supplements the general guidelines of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as described in the program announcements “Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grants (Parent T32)” (PA-23-048) and “Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Short-Term Institutional Research Training Grant (Parent T35)” (PA-23-080). This NIAAA supplemental information and policies are in effect for all T32 and T35 applications submitted to NIAAA.
The purpose of the NIAAA Institutional training program is to help ensure that a highly trained workforce is available to assume leadership roles in alcohol-related biomedical and behavioral research consistent with the Institute’s Mission and Strategic Plan.
Each of the NIAAA Institutional Research Training Programs provide a unique training experience focused on a significant issue in alcohol research. In addition, institutional training programs form an important complement to Alcohol Research Centers, many of which are affiliated with a NIAAA institutional training program. Given the five-year maximum duration of T32 awards, an average of about six programs come up for competitive renewal each year. The single receipt date for NIAAA T32 and T35 applications is May 25 of each year.
The special NIAAA guidelines listed here do not replace, but rather augment the requirements of the NRSA Institutional Training programs as described in the NIH program announcements: PA-23-048 and PA-23-080.
Training in Alcohol Research and Co-morbidities: Proposed training programs should focus on areas critical to alcohol use and its comorbidities and exhibit significant potential to mitigate their injurious effects. Prospective applicants are encouraged to include in their training programs, goals that match the institution’s strengths consistent with the missions of NIAAA to support dynamic and innovative research on alcohol use, alcohol use disorder, and health outcome-oriented sciences.
An accomplished alcohol research Program Director: The training Program Director is expected to have significantly contributed to alcohol research and have the potential to maintain a strong alcohol research program. In addition, the Program Director will have research training experience and the leadership potential to create and sustain an innovative and multidisciplinary program.
Highly Qualified Preceptors/Mentors: Preceptors must be highly qualified in their area of research as demonstrated by scientific productivity and independent support from NIH or comparable peer-reviewed funding sources. It is anticipated that a high proportion of the preceptors will be researchers that have a strong record of achievement in alcohol research and a history of external support. Successful NIAAA institutional training programs are expected to lead the field in preparing scientists for successful careers in academia, industry or public health service in the field of alcohol or addiction research. This will require creativity and innovation and where appropriate, the incorporation of expertise from outside the field of alcohol research. Recruitment of preceptors who offer unique expertise essential to alcohol research but are themselves not experienced in alcohol research is encouraged. Their selection and anticipated contributions to the field of alcohol research and unique role in the training program should be well justified in the application. Collaborations between investigators with needed expertise and alcohol researchers in the trainee's alcohol research plan and evaluation is anticipated.
A well-developed training plan: In addition to their research and academic course work trainees should be offered a multidisciplinary orientation in alcohol research issues, techniques, theoretical concepts and future directions. The curriculum should be as wide ranging as possible consistent with the program's goals and include a visiting speaker lecture series and other appropriate mechanisms.
A well-developed mentoring program: Effective training programs are expected to prepare trainees to develop new questions, approaches and technologies for future alcohol research as well as non-academic careers. The training program should describe an organizational plan that assures individualized trainee guidance from both the preceptor and from the training program itself. This should include the appropriate conduct of research, data analysis, effective writing, the acquisition of the grantsmanship skills required to compete for peer-reviewed sources of funding and guidance for procuring and maintaining a successful career in academia, industry or public sector.
A well-documented record of training success: An essential credential for a successful training program is a record of trainee publications in alcohol-related research and a history of past trainees who have gone on to productive careers in alcohol research in academia and/or related careers that include but are not limited to education, health services, public administration, public health, industry, community based treatment and recovery. Also needed is a core of productive alcohol experts who will serve as the primary mentors. Proposals from applicants of newly constituted training programs will need to demonstrate potential to fulfill these goals.
Using the SF424 Forms Training Data Tables
For blank data tables, instructions, and sample data see Training Data Tables. Note that the SF424 Training Data Tables are required for training applications due on or after May 25, 2020, or for progress reports.
Prior to preparing your Data Tables, please read the Introduction to the Data Tables and the associated NIH Office of Extramural Research FAQs on Form Updates (see Data Tables). The additional FAQs provided below are intended to further clarify the data training table instructions and does not supplant or modify the existing instructions or FAQs.
NIAAA T32 and T35 Budgetary and Administrative Frequently Asked Questions
- Can funds be re-budgeted between categories on a training grant?
Funds may be re-budgeted only as follows:
- Trainee Costs: For re-budgeting purposes, trainee costs include funds awarded in the stipends and tuition/fees budget categories. These costs may not be used for other purposes except under unusual circumstances and then only with the prior approval of the NIH awarding IC. Unless otherwise restricted by the terms and conditions of the grant award, re-budgeting into or within the stipends and tuition/fees is allowable without prior approval. Any re-budgeting needs to ensure all trainee slots will be filled.
- Trainee-Related Expenses: Re-budgeting of funds awarded in a lump sum for trainee-related expenses does not require NIH awarding IC prior approval.
- Trainee Travel: For re-budgeting purposes, trainee travel is not considered a trainee cost and, therefore, may be re-budgeted into any other budget category without prior approval of the NIH awarding IC.
See 11.3.9 Rebudgeting of Funds for more information.
- How do we change the principal investigator (PI) on the training grant?
The request for prior approval of any additional or substitute PD/PIs or change from a multiple PD/PI model to a single PD/PI model, must be submitted promptly, and must be accompanied by a strong scientific justification related to the scientific project, including any proposed changes in scope, the biographical sketch of any new individuals proposed and other sources of support, and any budget changes resulting from the proposed change. A new or revised Leadership Plan is required if the request is to change from a single PD/PI model to a multiple PD/PI model, or to change the number or makeup of the PD/PIs on a multiple PD/PI award. The Commons ID must be provided for any new PD/PIs. Please refer to NOT-OD-20-124 for more information.
- If the PI plans to be absent from the program for more than 3 months, what is required?
A countersigned letter requesting approval of an acting PI should be submitted to NIAAA. The letter should describe plans for the conduct of the program during the original PI's absence and indicate that the acting PI will have signature authority on trainee forms. A copy of the acting PD's biosketch should be included. PI will review the request and provide a written decision to the grantee.
- How are stipend levels determined?
For Pre-doctoral trainees, one stipend is used regardless of level of experience. For Post-Doctoral Trainees, stipends levels are determined by the number of full years of relevant experience after receiving the doctorate at time of appointment. Stipend levels and Training Related Expenses are set by Congress through the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act. See NIH GPS Section 4 -
On an FFR, how do we reflect the dollars associated with stipends and tuition for appointments that cross over into the next budget period (overlapping appointments)? Should they be shown as an unobligated balance, or an unliquidated obligation?
These monies should be reflected as an unliquidated obligation since these are bona fide expenses charged/incurred to the Stipend and Tuition categories but have not yet been paid. As a reminder, if the FFR report covers the final budget period of the project and a renewal (Type 2) application will not be submitted for award consideration, it must have no unliquidated obligations and must indicate the exact balance of unobligated funds. - Is automatic carry-over of unexpended balances permitted on NIAAA training grants?
No. NIAAA does not permit automatic carryover from one budget period to the next. These funds are used by the Institute to offset future year commitments. This helps us to utilize the training budget available in the most judicious manner possible.
- Can the PI request to change the number of predoctoral trainees to postdoctoral trainees or vice versa?
The AOR should submit a prior approval request including a justification for the need of the change in trainee distribution. Explaining how the Institution plans to pay for the change, especially if this change will be for more than one more than one budget period. As well as providing a statement regarding recruitment efforts. Also, if the request is to add an additional postdoc trainee, the Institution will need to provide a statement regarding Payback implications should the trainee not be reappointed.
- Is there an effort requirement for Trainees on Training Grants?
Typically, trainee appointments require full-time effort (40 hours per week), 12-person months a year. In addition to the full-time training, trainees may spend on average, an additional 25 percent of their time (e.g., 10 hours a week base on a 40-hour per week schedule) in part-time research, teaching, or clinical employment, so long as those activities do not interfere with, or lengthen, the duration of their NRSA training. Please see and in the NIH GPS for more information.
- Is there a budget cap for T32 and T35?
As the NOFO states, before submission IC approval for direct cost at $500 K and above is required for both new and competing renewals. Competing renewals with over $500 K direct cost in the last year of the previous funding period may be considered provided there are no increases in the numbers of slots. (please refer to the Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements and Staff Contacts). A letter is required in advance if an application will request $500 K or more in direct costs. Investigators should contact the Program Director/Officer assigned to the application, and if not known, contact the Director of Office of Extramural Activities at [email protected] to submit this request (see also Applications Requesting $500,000 or More in Direct Cost).
Where are NIAAA T32 and T35 Applications Reviewed?
All NIAAA Institutional (T32) NRSA Applications are Reviewed in-house at NIAAA.
NOT-OD-24-129 announced updates to the NIH Institutional Training Program applications and required training data tables. These changes take effect starting with submissions for due dates on or after January 25, 2025. The overall goal of these changes are to:
- Reduce applicant and reviewer burden.
- Further support the development of a biomedical research workforce that will benefit from the full range of perspectives, experiences and backgrounds needed to advance discovery.
- Align SF424 with updates with relevant NIH training grant NOFOs and requirements.
Brief Summary of Updates as stated in NOT-OD-24-129:
- Key application changes:
- Parent T32 NOFO – Define mentor training expectations.
- Update NRSA Data Tables to reduce burden and promote consistent information collection across training programs.
- Key changes to peer review:
- Move "Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research" to Additional Review Criteria so they contribute to the overall impact score.
New instructions and application forms for T32/T35 Institutional Training programs are available. It is recommend that applicants review the updated guidance at the NIH Office of Extramural Research website: Updates to NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications. Prepare all applications using the SF424 (R&R) application forms and in accordance with the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide for the NOFOs through Applicants are required to fully complete the Data tables for use with Institutional Research Training grant applications. Examples of these tables can be found at How to Apply--Application Guide
For NIAAA T32 Applications Table 5A “Publications of Those in Training: Predoctoral and Table 5B "Publications of Those in Training: Postdoctoral" applicants are encouraged to add to the citation a short description which highlights the impact or relevance to alcohol research and comorbidities where the title alone is not sufficient.
The NIAAA award decisions are largely based on the results of peer-review, but also will consider programmatic priorities and balance; award decisions are contingent upon the availability of funds.
For additional information regarding policies of the NIAAA for institutional NRSA grant applications, contact one of the following individuals:
Program Contact:
Mariela C. Shirley, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator
Division of Treatment and Recovery (DTR)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institutes of Health
6700B Rockledge Drive, MSC 6902
Bethesda, MD 20892-6902 [for deliveries use 20817]
Telephone: 301-402-9389
Email: [email protected]
Peer Review Contacts:
RV Srinivas, Ph.D.
Chief, Extramural Project Review Branch
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institutes of Health, DHHS
6700B Rockledge Drive, Room 2114, MSC 6902
Bethesda, MD 20892-6902
[For express mail use: Rockville, MD 20817]
Telephone: (301) 451-2067
FAX: 301-402-0250
Email: [email protected]
Financial or Grants Management Contacts:
Lauren E. Early
Grants Management Branch
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institutes of Health, DHHS
6700B Rockledge Drive, MSC 6902
Bethesda, MD 20892-6902
[For express mail use: Rockville, MD 20817]
Telephone: 301-443-2434
FAX: 301-443-3891
Email: [email protected]