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Knowledge Base

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Content Types

Following is some general information and tips about specific Content Types available in the website.

Basic Page 

Use basic pages for your static content, such as an 'About us' page, and a great majority of content on the site. Agendas, Reports, Director's Blog, landing pages etc. 

Advisory Council Minutes 

Use it for all advisory council meeting minutes. 


Use it to add a new Announcement to the site. 

News Release 

Use it to add a new News Release to the site. 


Use it to add an Event to the site. 

Research Update 

Use it to add a news update on research conducted at NIAAA.  

Book Page 

Use for handbooks and tutorials. Currently being used in the site for Strategic Plan report. 

Congressional Budget 

Used to post a PDF of the congressional budget justification.  

Congressional Testimony 

Used for the page with Director’s budget request statement/ testimony to congress. 


Use this to create Intramural lab pages. 

Division Landing Page 

Use this to create Extramural landing pages. 

Person Profile 

Use this to create profile page for staff and lab members. 


Used for publications (brochures & factsheets, etc.) 

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