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NIH Statement on World AIDS Day 2015


Follow the science to fast-track the end of AIDS
When the first cases of what would become known as AIDS were reported in 1981, scientists and physicians did not know the cause and had no therapies to treat those who were infected. Times have changed and today physicians can offer their patients highly effective medicines that work as both treatment and prevention. We can now speak credibly about having within our sights the end to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, when new HIV infections and deaths due to AIDS are rare.

Statement by 
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Carl Dieffenbach, Ph.D., Director, Division of AIDS, NIAID
Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D, NIH Director

Ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic as we know it will require using antiretroviral therapy (ART) to treat all infected people upon diagnosis, facilitating the implementation of an array of prevention tools including pre-exposure prophylaxis, and eliminating mother-to-child HIV transmission. While recent scientific advances demonstrate these objectives are all possible, we must encourage universal HIV testing so that people know their status and are linked to care if infected and linked to a prevention program if at risk of infection...  

Integrating HIV/AIDS and Alcohol Research [PDF]
  Kendall J. Bryant, Steve Nelson, R. Scott Braithwaite and Deidra Roach

• HIV Risk and the Alcohol Environment: Advancing an Ecological Epidemiology for HIV/AIDS [PDF]
  Richard Scribner, Katherine P. Theall, Neal Simonsen and William Robinson

• Social and Structural HIV Prevention in Alcohol-Serving Establishments: Review of International Interventions Across Populations [PDF]
  Seth C. Kalichman

• Biomedical Approaches to HIV Prevention [PDF]
  Kenneth H. Mayer, Margie Skeer and Matthew J. Mimiaga

• Alcohol’s Role in HIV Transmission and Disease Progression [PDF]
  Ivona Pandrea, Kyle I. Happel, Angela M. Amedee, Gregory J. Bagby and Steve Nelson

• HIV/AIDS, Comorbidity, and Alcohol: Can We Make a Difference? [PDF]
  Amy Justice, Lynn Sullivan and David Fiellin

• Interventions Targeting HIV-Infected Risky Drinkers: Drops in the Bottle [PDF]
  Jeffrey H. Samet and Alexander Y. Walley

• Influence of Alcohol Consumption on Adherence to and Toxicity of Antiretroviral Therapy and Survival [PDF]
  R. Scott Braithwaite and Kendall J. Bryant

Special Section: Modeling HIV and Alcohol’s Effects 

• Focus on the Lung [PDF]
  David Quintero and David M. Guidot

• Focus on the Liver: Alcohol Use, Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy, and Liver Disease in HIV-Infected Patients [PDF]
  Shirish Barve, Rama Kapoor, Akshata Moghe, Julio A. Ramirez, John W. Eaton, Leila Gobejishvili, Swati Joshi-Barve and Craig J. McClain

• Focus on the Heart: Alcohol Consumption, HIV Infection, and Cardiovascular Disease [PDF]
  Matthew S. Freiberg and Kevin L. Kraemer

• Focus on the Brain: HIV Infection and Alcoholism: Comorbidity Effects on Brain Structure and Function [PDF]
  Margaret J. Rosenbloom, Edith V. Sullivan and Adolf Pfefferbaum

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