RSA Selects Deputy Director Warren for Lifetime Achievement Award
The Research Society on Alcoholism has selected NIAAA deputy director Dr. Kenneth R. Warren to receive the RSA Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognizes a person with a long, balanced career whose contributions to alcohol research, training, service and advocacy have had a lasting impact on the field.
Warren is a distinguished scientific administrator and a foremost expert on the effects of alcohol use during pregnancy. More than 30 years ago, he initiated NIAAA’s research program on fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). For his work on the development of the first Surgeon General’s Advisory on Alcohol Use in Pregnancy, Warren received a Superior Service Award from the Public Health Service in 1982. Currently, Warren chairs the interagency coordinating committee on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Warren joined NIAAA in 1976 and has provided leadership in various roles, including as associate director for basic research. In February 2008, he was appointed deputy director. He served as NIAAA acting director from November 2008 to January 2014.
The RSA has honored Warren previously with the Seixas Award for Service and the Henry Rosett Award from the FAS study group. The National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) inducted him into the Tom and Linda Daschle FASD Hall of Fame and more recently honored him with the NOFAS Excellence Award.