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Now Online: Director’s Report and NIAAA Spectrum


The Director’s Report to the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is now available online.
In addition, check out the most recent issue of the NIAAA Spectrum. The current issue includes:
  • A feature about alcohol treatment;
  • Recent studies about the association of improvements in health and quality of life with a reduction in drinking, a new treatment strategy for alcohol-associated liver disease, and how alcohol treatment can be improved by measuring neuroscience domains;
  • A brief item on NIAAA jointly receiving the National Leadership Award from the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America;
  • A profile of NIAAA scientists’ talks to teens at Brain Awareness Week;
  • An infographic about the treatment of alcohol use disorder in the United States; and
  • An interview with Dr. Raye Litten.
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