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DEPR EBB Functional Statement

Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research -HN53

(1) Plans, conducts and supports epidemiological studies on the occurrence, etiology, natural history, and consequence of alcohol abuse and alcoholism; (2) plans, stimulates, develops, and supports clinical programs on alcohol abuse and alcoholism which design and test the effectiveness of various prevention and early intervention services; (3) analyzes ecological and situational factors related to the use and abuse of alcohol, alcohol dependence and alcoholism, and alcohol-related consequences; (4) collaborates with outside organizations in the conduct of studies related to prevention of alcohol abuse and alcoholism; (5) collaborates with universities, other government agencies, research centers, and other scientific organizations undertaking studies related to the epidemiology of alcohol abuse and alcoholism; (6) sponsors, develops, and participates in scientific conferences, meetings, and symposia to exchange information and to disseminate new knowledge; and (7) supports a full range of grants and contracts, including services research and research training.


Epidemiology and Biometry Branch HN531

(1) Plans, directs and implements large complex national epidemiologic, including genetic epidemiologic surveys on alcohol and drug use disorders and their associated physical and psychiatric disabilities; (2) develops, plans, monitors and provides management and statistical support to numerous international epidemiologic and surveillance surveys; (3) collects, processes, complies and analyzes national and international epidemiologic survey data, including genetic data; (4) conducts an independent research program in statistical, survey and epidemiologic arenas; (5) analyzes phenotypic and genetic epidemiologic data on alcohol use, abuse, and dependence and their associated disabilities and prepares scientific reports and manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals, books, monographs and extensive compendia; (6) adapts state-of-the-art statistical and survey methodology to the alcohol field; (7) collaborates with other agencies and organizations to promote the application of epidemiologic research nationally and internationally; (8) maintains national statistics on alcohol use disorders and their related conditions and disabilities, and consequences; (9) sponsors, develops, and participates in scientific conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia to exchange information and disseminate new knowledge; (10) collaborates with other National Institutes of Health and other government and outside agencies to foster shared interests and goals in epidemiology and survey research; (11) collaborates with national and international agencies and organizations on complex issues associated with the global burden of disease as it relates to alcohol use disorders and alcohol as a risk factor of numerous physical and mental conditions; (12) supports a full range of interagency agreements, contracts, and grants; (13) provides expert consultation to NIAAA Extramural Divisions related to statistics, epidemiology, and survey research; (14) serves as principal advisor and consultant to Director, NIAAA, on all areas of statistics, epidemiology, and survey methodology necessary to achieve the mission and goals of NIAAA and NIH; and (15) reviews, develops and assesses need for additional support and funds for areas of program responsibilities.



Date: February 2016


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