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Center for Inherited Disease Research

The NIAAA has joined the Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) to assist investigators who are currently conducting, or who have an interest in initiating studies to identify genes that contribute to alcoholism and alcohol-related disorders.

The CIDR provides a variety of genotyping and statistical genetics services for both human and animal studies to identify genes that contribute to human disease. General information about the CIDR and the current availability of genotyping services provided by the CIDR can be obtained from its website at

Requests for Accessing Genotyping Services

All NIAAA supported investigators requesting access to CIDR genotyping services should first contact NIAAA followed by a letter outlining the aim and scope of their proposed study including specifics on the subject population and phenotype, etc. The NIAAA Research Strategic Committee will review and conditionally approve the request based on research program priorities and availability of funds. After obtaining initial approval from NIAAA, investigators should follow the guidelines of CIDR and submit his/her application to CIDR. Investigators who receive genotyping services from the CIDR should acknowledge CIDR consortium (N01-HG-65403) co-sponsored by NIAAA, in any oral and written presentations and publications resulting from any or all genotype analyses.

NIAAA Liaison

The principal contact regarding access to CIDR resources and NIAAA process is:

Antonio Noronha, Ph.D.
Director, Division of Neuroscience and Behavior
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Phone: (301) 443-7722
Fax: (301) 443-1650
E-mail: [email protected]

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