SBIR/STTR Research Areas
NIAAA supports research on the causes, prevention, control, and treatment of the major health problems associated with alcohol use. Through its extramural research programs, NIAAA funds a wide range of basic and applied research to develop new and/or improved technologies and approaches for increasing the effectiveness of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. NIAAA also is concerned with strengthening research dissemination, scientific communications, public education, and data collection activities in the areas of its research programs.
The topics listed below reflect several examples of NIAAA’s program priorities at the time of the NIH Omnibus solicitation and should not be considered all-inclusive. NIAAA will consider ALL applications relevant to NIAAA’s mission. The topics below include areas of interest for both pre-clinical and clinical research.

Basic Science
Through basic scientific research, great strides have been made in understanding the mechanisms by which alcohol exerts its effects on human health and behavior.
NIAAA is seeking projects focused on new research tools, tools, techniques, paradigms, technologies, and devices to enable researchers to further understand the underlying biological and behavioral mechanisms through which conditions associated with AUD develop.
- Research Tools and Technologies
- Research and Monitoring Devices

Prevention, Treatment & Recovery
Prevention strategies/programs and educational services, behavioral treatment programs, medications, and digital health technologies are crucial in ameliorating the negative health effects and consequences associated with AUD and alcohol misuse and recovery.
- Medication Development
- AUD Programs and Therapies
- Digital Health Tools

Improving the current battery or developing new approaches to measurement, diagnosis, and assessment of the severity of AUD, alcohol misuse and health consequences, FASD, and alcohol-related organ damage.
- Imaging Tools
- AUD Biomarkers

Data Science
Data applications and tools can be used for discovery of new biomarkers and targets, precision medicine, and other applications to increase the efficiency and efficacy of treating AUD and alcohol-related health effects.
- Data Science Tools
For examples of specific research interests, download the full list on the Omnibus Solicitation.