National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Can NIAAA accept donations? Yes. Although the NIAAA is a federally funded organization and not a fund-raising organization, the U.S. Congress has authorized NIAAA to accept donations and bequests to support its research mission. Donations to the NIAAA are deposited in a Gift Fund account which is separate from the funding NIAAA receives from Congress. How are donations used? Projects...
General Editing
Content Overview Page
Clicking on the Content link will take you to a list of all content on the site. From here you can perform the following tasks:
- Filter for Content on the site using the provided filters.
- Quick access to visit or edit the relevant pages on the site.
WYSIWYG is short for “What You See Is What You Get.” It is a type of form control used frequently on the site that allows you to style text areas. You can make text bold or italic, create links, bullet or number lists, and embed Media (images, videos, etc.)
Embedding Media (Image, Files etc.)
Select ‘Insert from Media Library’ option to insert images and files as shown in the screenshot below.
When adding Media you will be prompted with a popup.
On left there are three links: first one to upload an image (allowed types: png, gif, jpg and jpeg), second to upload a file (all file types), and the third one to upload publications (allowed types: txt, doc, docx and pdf).
After you choose and review your media, there is an option to ‘Edit media’ which will allow you to add alternate text, caption and align the media as shown in the screenshot below.
Replacing existing images
- If you would like to replace an image on a page, go to the page and inspect the image.
- Press F12 on Windows or Option + ⌘ + I on Mac to turn on the developer tools or right click at image and select Inspect.
- It should show and highlight the image element and you can find the file name. (see the highlighted yellow file name in the screenshot below).
- Press F12 on Windows or Option + ⌘ + I on Mac to turn on the developer tools or right click at image and select Inspect.
- Go to content file and search for the image file name that you get from the code inspector above.
Image - Click the link under the Used in column and then click the media name link under the Entity column, it will take you to the media file of that image.
- The field “used in” refers to where the File is used in a Media entity.
- The field “used in” refers to where the File is used in a Media entity.
- Edit the media entity and upload a new image file under the Replace file and Save.
- please keep the same filename and file type as the original file. If the original image file name was an SVG, then replace with an SVG, if the original was a PNG, then replace with the same.
- lear the Drupal cache.
Copy/ Paste from MS Word
To copy/ paste content from Microsoft Word document, select ‘Paste from Word’ option as shown in the screenshot below. It allows you to paste content from Word and maintain original content formatting.
Content Revisions
Drupal creates a new Revision every time a Node is updated. This allows you to track how the Node has changed over time on the site. It allows you to Revert back to a previous state if needed as well.
- The Revision column shows you when Revision was made and who was responsible for the Revision.
- A revision log message helps inform users of the changes that were made to the Node. It is not required to create a log message, but it is encouraged as it makes it easier to track changes over time.
Similar to the content overview page, clicking on the Media link will take you to a list of all Media on the site. You can perform the following tasks:
- Filter for Media on the site using the provided filters.
- Quick access to edit the desired Media on the site.
Drinking in Moderation: According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture, adults of legal drinking age can choose not to drink or to drink in moderation by limiting intake to 2 drinks or less in a day for men and 1 drink or less in a day for...