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Alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) resources

Press Room

The NIAAA press office is the central contact for all members of the news media. The office can assist you in arranging interviews with NIAAA experts and in providing accurate and timely alcohol-related research news and information. Contact the Press Team Reporters or other members of the news media can reach the NIAAA press team via [email protected] or 301-443-2857. Members...

Cross-Cutting Research Programs

Cross-cutting research programs are NIAAA-managed research portfolios that include topics spanning multiple research goals outlined in this strategic plan. These programs complement the Cross-Cutting Research Themes and Supporting the Mission sections of this strategic plan. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) represent the broad range of neurodevelopmental impairments and other physical effects that result from prenatal exposure...

What Is A Standard Drink?

Knowing the number of standard drinks in alcohol-containing beverages can help you understand how much alcohol you are consuming and make informed decisions about your health. Yet, many people are surprised to learn what counts as a drink. Drinks like beer, wine, and distilled spirits often contain very different amounts of alcohol. This means the size of an alcohol-containing beverage...

The Truth About Holiday Spirits

Celebrations during the holidays is a time when some people are more likely to drink beyond their limits than at other times of the year. Some will suffer adverse consequences that range from fights to falls to traffic crashes. Sadly, we often put ourselves and others at risk because we don’t understand how alcohol affects us during an evening of celebratory drinking.

History of NIAAA

President Nixon signed the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 on December 31, 1970. This legislation was also known as the Hughes Act for Senator Harold Hughes, a person who was in recovery from alcohol use disorder (AUD) and championed the cause of AUD research. The Hughes Act authorized a comprehensive Federal program to...


Años de vida ajustados por discapacidad ( disability-adjusted life years): Una medida de los años de vida perdidos o vividos con menos de una salud plena. Consumo de alcohol en altas cantidades ( high-intensity drinking): El consumo de alcohol a niveles que son dos o más veces superiores a los umbrales de consumo excesivo y peligroso de alcohol ( binge...

A Growing Concern: Increased Drinking Among Older Adults

The older adult population is increasing rapidly. Alcohol use among older adults is also increasing. As we focus on the quality of life for this growing population, it’s important to take into account how alcohol affects their overall health.

Holiday Drinking and Your Health

The holiday season is filled with celebrations and gatherings with family and friends. It can also be a stressful time for many people as they get ready for the festivities, such as cooking, preparing for guests, shopping for presents, and traveling during a busy period. Many people may find that alcohol is more present than usual, and even people who...

Keller and Mendelson Honorary Lecture Series

The Mark Keller Honorary Lecture Series As a tribute to Mark Keller's pioneering contributions to the field of alcohol research, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism established the Mark Keller Honorary Lecture Series. Every fall, the series features a lecture by an outstanding alcohol researcher whose work makes significant and long-term contributions to our understanding of: How alcohol...

NIAAA 50th Anniversary Milestones

NIAAA Established The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 launched the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, authorizing NIAAA “to develop and conduct comprehensive health, education, training, research, and planning programs for the prevention and treatment” of alcohol-related problems. Called the “Hughes Act,” after its champion, Iowa Senator Harold E. Hughes, the legislation...

Further Reading and Viewing

Selected articles and videos for deeper dives into Core Resource content


Alcohol misuse: Drinking in a manner, situation, amount, or frequency that could cause harm to the person who drinks or to those around them. For individuals younger than the U.S. Minimum Legal Drinking Age of 21, or for pregnant females, any alcohol use constitutes alcohol misuse. Alcohol use disorder (AUD): AUD is a chronic, relapsing brain disorder characterized by an...

Institutional Research Training Programs

Harassment and Discrimination Protections in NIH Training Applications Applications for National Institutes of Health (NIH) institutional training grants (T15, T32, T34, T35, T36, T37, T90/R90, TL1, TL4) must include a letter on institutional letterhead signed by a key institutional leader that describes the institutional commitment to ensuring that proper policies, procedures, and oversight are in place to prevent discriminatory harassment...

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Safely

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Because drinking alcohol is a large part of the St. Patrick’s Day festivities for many people, this is a good time to be mindful of how alcohol can impact your celebrations and your health.

Holiday party? Here are tips for hosting a party including guests who may not be drinking

The holidays are a time to celebrate, often with family and friends. Many social gatherings include alcohol. However, many adults partaking in the festivities may not wish to drink alcohol for a variety of reasons.

NIAAA Honors Dr. Robert B. Huebner with Senator Harold Hughes Award

Robert B. Huebner, Ph.D., a longtime coordinator and champion of alcohol treatment research during his career at NIAAA and after his retirement from the federal government, received the Senator Harold Hughes Memorial Award today from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health. NIAAA Director George F. Koob, Ph.D., announced the Institute’s...

Too Soon = Too Dangerous

Underage possession of alcohol is illegal in the United States, and the U.S. Minimum Legal Drinking Age is 21. The earlier that a young person starts to drink, the more likely they are to have alcohol-related problems as a teenager or adult. Drinking at a young age greatly increases the risk for many problems now and in adulthood. Drinking alcohol...

¿Qué es una bebida estándar?

Muchas personas se sorprenden al saber lo que cuenta como una bebida. La cantidad de líquido en su vaso, lata o botella no necesariamente coincide con la cantidad de alcohol que hay realmente en su bebida.

Risky Drinking Can Put a Chill on Your Summer Fun

Summer is a wonderful time for outdoor activities with family and friends. For some people, a day at the beach, on the boat, or at a backyard barbecue will include drinking alcohol beverages. But risky drinking and summer activities don’t mix. Drinking impairs both physical and mental abilities, and it also decreases inhibitions—which can lead to tragic consequences on the water, on the road, and in the great outdoors.
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