Tis the season to be mindful of your drinking
Screen and Assess: Use Quick, Effective Methods
Support your team and your guests: Tips for hosting a party including guests who may not be drinking
Surveillance Report #120
NIAAA-Funded Research Centers
NIAAA Scientific Review Group Rosters
Información sobre los trastornos del espectro alcohólico fetal
Mechanisms of Alcohol-associated Cancers (Clinical Trial Not Allowed, R01, R21)
Surveillance Report #121
Get the Facts About Underage Drinking
Medical Complications: Common Alcohol-Related Concerns
Call the right play during the Big Game
Be mindful of your drinking throughout the year
New from NIAAA: An updated Rethinking Drinking booklet and website
Digital health technology shows promise for efforts to address drinking among youth
Challenge Prize
Harmful and Underage College Drinking
Parents—Talk With Your High School Grads About Celebrating Safely
Projects & Initiatives
NIAAA promotes advancement in several critical research areas with special programs and by participating on select committees. Priority research areas include: Medications Development NIAAA’s Medications Development Program focuses on expanding safe and effective medication options for those suffering from alcohol use disorders and alcohol induced organ damage. The Medications Development Program offers funding grants and contracts to academic research institutions...