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FY 2006 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees

Statement by Ting-Kai Li, M.D., Director National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: I am pleased to present the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 President's budget request for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The FY 2006 budget includes $440,333,000, which...

National Advisory Council Meeting-February 7-8, 2007

National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Summary of the 114th Meeting February 7-8, 2007 The National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism convened for its 114th meeting at 5:30 p.m. on February 7, 2007, at the Fishers Lane Conference Center in Rockville, Maryland , in a closed session, and again at 8:30 a.m. on February 8, also...

NIH Research Matters: Many at Risk for Alcohol-Medication Interactions

About 71% of U.S. adults drink alcohol. Many commonly prescribed medications can interact with alcohol, including drugs to treat depression, diabetes, and high blood pressure. At a Glance A large number of people may combine alcoholic beverages with prescription medications known to interact with alcohol, an analysis suggests. The findings highlight the need to talk with a health care professional...

FY 2005 Hearing on Substance Abuse and Mental Health - Director's Statement Before the House Appropriations Subcommittee

Members of the Committee, thank you for your concern about alcohol, drug, and mental health problems, issues that rank very high in their impact on public health and on the Nation. I thank my distinguished colleagues for their contributions in these areas and for sharing in our discussion today. I am Dr. Ting-Kai Li, Director of the National Institute on...

NIAAA Names 2001 Harold Hughes Award Winner

Ms. Migs Woodside, founder and former President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York-based Children of Alcoholics Foundation, today was named the third recipient of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's annual Senator Harold Hughes Memorial Award. NIAAA Director Enoch Gordis, M.D., announced the award today in Washington, D.C., at the 2001 Public Policy Conference on Alcohol...

ICCFASD 2024 Invited Speakers

ICCFASD Public Meeting May 9, 2024 Invited Speakers Kenneth Lyons Jones, MD, is Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and was for 50 years Chief of the Division of Dysmorphology and Teratology in the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, I co-direct the Center for Better Beginnings. I am one of two physicians who first described the fetal...

Researchers Discover Alcohol-Sensitive Membrane Channel - Site found while examining ethanol's effect on potassium channels

A study reported in the December issue of Nature Neuroscience (Volume 2, Number 12, pages 1084-1090) identifies a new cell membrane channel where ethanol, the alcohol found in intoxicating beverages, may act. Neurobiologists from the Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research and Section on Neurobiology, and the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, University of Texas (UT)...

Clinical NeuroImaging Research Core

What we do The Clinical NeuroImaging Research Core (CNIRC) serves two functions: Conducting independent addiction neuroimaging and psychophysiological studies and providing expertise in these areas, through collaborations and support to clinical investigators. We are looking to add a post-doctoral researcher to our team. Learn about the position and how to apply. Research interests include: Investigate the neural correlates of cognition...

NIAAA Launches COMBINE Clinical Trial - Eleven universities to test behavioral and pharmacologic treatments for alcoholism

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) today announces the start of Combining Medications and Behavioral Interventions (COMBINE), a nationwide study that targets persons with the diagnosis alcohol dependence, commonly known as alcoholism. COMBINE is the first national study to evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral treatments alone and in combination with medications. It begins at a time when...

Molecular mechanism underlying ethanol activation of G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium channels

Alcohol produces a wide range of pharmacological effects on the nervous system through its actions on ion channels. The molecular mechanism underlying ethanol modulation of ion channels is poorly understood. NIAAA scientists used a unique method of alcohol-tagging to demonstrate that alcohol activation of a G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK or Kir3) channel is mediated by a defined alcohol pocket...

Bernice Porjesz, Ph.D., to Present Mendelson Lecture May 20

Bernice Porjesz, Ph.D., will present the Jack Mendelson, M.D., Honorary Lecture on May 20, 2014. The lecture is titled: “Neurophysiological Endophenotypes in the Search for Genes for Alcoholism.” The event will take place at the National Institutes of Health from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, in Lipsett Amphitheater, NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland. The lecture is free and open to...

High Intensity Drinking Working Group Meeting

NIAAA Working Group on High-Intensity Drinking -- Working Group Meeting Panelists: Nancy Barnett, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Brown University School of Public Health; Professor, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University Lee Boot, M.F.A., Research Associate Professor and Director of the Imaging Research Center, UMBC Ian Colrain, Ph.D., President, SRI Biosciences Elizabeth D'Amico, Ph.D., Senior Behavioral Scientist...

Advisory Council Meeting - September 12, 2024

September 12, 2024 Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. NIH Videocast - visit View the Agenda.

Dr. Craig J. McClain to Deliver 19th Annual Mark Keller Honorary Lecture at the National Institutes of Health

WHAT: The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health, announces that Craig J. McClain, M.D. will deliver the 19th Annual Mark Keller Honorary Lecture. Dr. McClain is an internationally distinguished clinician and scientist in the fields of gastroenterology, alcohol abuse, nutrition, cytokine research, and hepatic drug metabolism. The title of his talk...

Dr. Laura E. Nagy to Deliver 24th Annual Mark Keller Honorary Lecture at the National Institutes of Health

What : The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health, announces that Laura E. Nagy, Ph.D., will deliver the 24th Annual Mark Keller Honorary Lecture. The title of her presentation is “Inflammation and Cell Death in Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease.” Who : Dr. Nagy is currently a professor of molecular medicine at the...

Advisory Council Meeting - Sept. 9, 2021

September 9, 2021 Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. NIH Videocast - visit For additional information, visit

Advisory Council Meeting - February 9 2023

Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Thursday, February 9, 2023 Agenda:… Watch on Videocast:

Advisory Council Meeting - February 10, 2022

February 10, 2022 Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. NIH Videocast - visit For additional information, see the full meeting agenda.

Advisory Council Meeting - May 10, 2022

May 10, 2022 Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. NIH Videocast - visit For additional information, see the full meeting agenda.

Researchers Identify Alcoholism Subtypes

Analyses of a national sample of individuals with alcohol dependence (alcoholism) reveal five distinct subtypes of the disease, according to a new study by scientists at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Our findings should help dispel the popular notion of the ‘typical alcoholic,’” notes first author Howard B...

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