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Spring 2014 Meeting of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (ICCFASD)

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
5635 Fishers Lane, Terrace Level Conference Center, Rockville, Maryland 20852

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Time Session
8:30 a.m. Welcome, Introductions, and Comments
Kenneth R. Warren, Ph.D., Deputy Director, NIAAA, NIH, ICCFASD Chairperson

8:40 a.m.








Special Focus Panel: Women, Drinking and Pregnancy, FASD Prevention Efforts –
Tipping Points, Pivotal Moments, and Future Direction

Nancy E. Cheal, Ph.D., R.N., CDC, moderator

Introduction, Kenneth R. Warren, Ph.D., Deputy Director, NIAAA, NIH; ICCFASD Chair

An Overview of NIAAA-sponsored Prevention Research, Grace Chang, M.D., M.P.H.,
Harvard Medical School and VA Boston Healthcare System

History of the  Prevention Program at CDC, Nancy E. Cheal, Ph.D.,R.N., CDC

"SAMHSA FASD: The Past, the Present and into the Future?",  Patricia B. Getty, Ph.D.

Highlights of International FASD Prevention Progams, Marcia S. Scott, Ph.D., NIAAA, NIH

10:30 a.m. BREAK
10:45 a.m. Update from the U.S. Dept. of Justice and the ICCFASD Work Group on Justice Issues
Karen J. Bachar, M.S., OJJDP, DOJ
11:00 a.m. Reports from Activities of the ICCFASD Agencies: NIAAA, NICHD, SAMHSA
11:45 a.m. Update from from the ICCFASD Women, Drinking, and Pregnancy Work Group 
Deidra Roach, M.D., Division of Treatment and Recovery Research, NIAAA, NIH
12:00 p.m. Lunch Break, Cafeteria/Grille, 1st floor, 5635 Fishers Lane
1:30 p.m. Reports from Activities of the ICCFASD Agencies: ACF, CDC, IHS, HRSA
2:30 p.m. Update from the ICCFASD Diagnostic Issues Work Group
Sally M. Anderson, Ph.D., ICCFASD, NIAAA, NIH
2:45 p.m. Open Discussion
3:30 p.m. Comments and Adjournment
Sally M. Anderson, Ph.D., ICCFASD Coordinator and Executive Secretary, NIAAA, NIH


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