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Transcript: Rethinking Drinking - The Most Important Drive of the Big Game


The following is a description of the video:

  Rethinking Drinking - The Most Important Drive of the Big Game.

Text in Video Image Descriptions

Text: The most important drive of the Big Game?

Image of a green and white football field. The image pans across the gridiron and the numbered lines flash by… fifty yard line, forty, thirty, and twenty. The sound of cheering crowd is heard off screen.


Your drive home after the Big Game.


Transition to a new image: the view from a driver’s seat of a car swerving down the road.

Passing objects appear blurry: road signs, lane dividers, other vehicles.

The lights of a passing vehicle swerve directly ahead. A flash of white light fills the screen.

There is a loud sound of tires screeching as the car brakes.  



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The scene changes: As the sound of emergency sirens approach, the view is from a camera lying directly on the pavement. 

In the forefront, someone’s car keys appear abandoned in the roadway.

In the background, blurred images show a person walking beside vehicles partitioned off by yellow police caution tape.



Logo: NIH/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism


The NIAAA logo appears in the lower half of the screen. It reads: NIH/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.







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