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Video: NIAAA Biosensor Challenge


The following is a description of the video "NIAAA Biosensor Challenge."

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Text Image

Biosensors are wearable devices, popular for measuring physical activity.

Image of hand with blue circuitry to the left of text that reads “Are you up to the challenge? Create a wearable alcohol biosensor that can monitor blood alcohol levels in real time. First prize: $200,000. Second prize: $100,000. Submit prototypes by December 1, 2015. To learn more visit and search for wearable alcohol biosensor.” Below the hand image is the logo for the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Video of man jogging, looking at biosensor on wrist.

But what if you could monitor your drinking across the week as easily as your steps, calories, and sleep cycle?

Video of people having drinks at a busy bar.

Logo: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism – NIAAA

NIAAA participates in federal Challenge competitions to spark innovation and increase the use of wearable tech in research.

Logo: – Government Challenges, Your Solutions.

NIAAA logo pans in. logo pans in.

NIAAA’s First Challenge: 2015

Goal: Create a wearable, discreet device capable of measuring blood alcohol levels in real time in order to improve upon existing technology

“Are You Up to the Challenge” announcement appears for the 2015 Challenge competition.
Image of blue hand appears, lit up with circuits.
The wrist-worn device uses technology similar to that used by law enforcement for alcohol monitoring. Connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone to store data. Video cuts to smartphone being connected to the BACtrack device.
Second prize: $100,000 to Milo Sensors for its wearable.
On-screen text: Milo utilizes cutting edge technology to detect, encrypt, and transmit personal blood alcohol data to your smartphone.
Milo Sensors logo at top
Image of wrist-worn Milo wearable with a smartphone.
Pairs with a smartphone and uses disposable cartridges to continuously track BAC.
Video of woman sitting at a lab desk wearing the Milo wearable, pressing a button to deliver a “drink.” 
Television monitor reads: “Another drink ordered; waiting for new peak to be reached.”
NIAAA’s Second Challenge: 2016 – 2017
Due to a strong response to the first competition, NIAAA now announces its new Challenge.
In the first competition, both winners used transdermal, or “through the skin,” technology to measure the ethanol vapor emitted by sweat through the skin. 
Pans across a photo of man holding a beer and illustrations of drinks.
Crosscut image of skin layers being lifted.
In the new Challenge, NIAAA is seeking an unobtrusive wearable that more closely approximates real-time BAC measurements, potentially through blood, bodily fluids, or tissues. Video of blood flowing through the veins.
May use technologies such as spectroscopy, wave, microelectromechanical systems or others. Woman in white lab coat using equipment, shot cuts to digital wave readings on a screen.
There are many potential commercial uses for these devices. Row of four different wrist-worn biosensor devices appears.
But NIAAA is focusing on the research potential – for more accurate data than self-reporting. Doctor entering data onto a handheld computer.
Accurate measurements of alcohol use can help researchers track the progression of related diseases and find potential treatments.
Woman sitting at computer looking at computer display in lab.  Cuts to close-up of syringes and microscope.
Cuts to shot of a pipette extracting a sample of liquid from a container.
Wearable alcohol biosensors will simplify this process.
Three horizontal images of people tapping wrist-worn biosensors.
Shows shot of one person (center image) tapping a wrist-worn biosensor.
For more information on NIAAA’s new Wearable Alcohol Biosensor Challenge, please visit
Logo: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH
Cuts to a biosensor entering the screen displaying the NIAAA logo.
NIAAA logo moves off of the biosensor, and the biosensor disappears so that only the NIAAA logo is displayed on the screen.



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