Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellow
Markos Tesfaye Woldeyohannes, M.D., Ph.D.
Biographical Summary
Dr. Markos Tesfaye Woldeyohannes received his medical degree from the School of Medicine, Jimma University. He completed residency training in psychiatry at Addis Ababa University and received PhD from Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen based on research work on: Quality of life among people living with HIV in Jimma, Ethiopia: the role of mental health, food, and nutrition. He joined Dr. Paule Joseph’s Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism (SensMet) as a visiting fellow of the African Postdoctoral Training Initiative in January 2019. His research has focused on global mental health research particularly common mental disorders and measurement in psychiatry. His current research is on early life environment including stress, nutrition, etc. and epigenetic programming as risk factors for neuropsychiatric disorders across the life course. He is a recipient of the World Psychiatric Association honorary member award in 2020. He serves on the editorial board of Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, Ethiopian Medical Journal, International Journal of Mental Health Systems, and as academic editor for PLOS One.