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Grant Funding

How to apply for grants funded by NIAAA and manage existing grants.

NIAAA Conference Grants (R13/U13)

NIAAA supports conferences, symposia and workshops focusing on alcohol-research related topics. Conference grants using the R13/U13 mechanism must be submitted electronically in response to active parent R13 notice of funding opportunity (PA-24-141).

As stated in the Conference Grant NOFO, it is expected that organizers of NIH-supported conferences and scientific meetings take steps to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all attendees by providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment, sexual or otherwise. consistent with Federal civil rights laws, NOT-OD-15-152, Civil Rights Protections in NIH-Supported Research, Programs, Conferences and Other Activities, and the Guidelines for Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in NIH-Supported Conference Grants policy.

Due to budgetary constraints, NIAAA places its highest priority on providing funds for the travel of US residents that include graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and/or newly appointed non-NIH funded faculty members to participate in meetings. NIAAA also supports the travel expenses for women, participants with disability and those who are under-represented in science and medical fields. Their participation in the program must be described in detail in the application.

In addition, NIAAA adheres to the parent R13 (PA-24-141) notice of funding opportunity description that “A critical part of the application for NIH conference support is the documentation of appropriate representation of individuals from nationally underrepresented groups in the planning and implementation of, and participation in, the proposed conference. This includes selection of organizing committee members, speakers, and other invited participants, such as session chairs and panel discussants as well as general attendance. Underrepresented groups include individuals from nationally underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, and women. See NIH Notice of Interest in Diversity, NOT OD 20 031 "Appropriate representation" can be determined by reviewing the availability of scientists from nationally underrepresented groups known to be working in a particular field of biomedical or behavioral research to the anticipated geographic conference area. If the application does not reflect appropriate representation, no award will be issued until program staff members are assured of concerted, effective recruitment and outreach efforts”. Before submitting an R13 application, applicants are strongly encouraged to read NOT OD 21 055 “Notice of Changes in the Review Criteria for Applications Submitted for NIH Support for Scientific Conferences (R13 and U13).”

Applicants must obtain from NIAAA permission to apply for a new, resubmission or competing renewal. The approval letter is valid for each submission only. First, applicants must contact the NIAAA Conference Liaison Officer (contact information listed below). In the cover letter, include the purpose and scientific rationale of the meeting, title of the conference, date and location, proposed budget, the audience being targeted and the number of attendees. In addition, complete the NIAAA Conference Grant (U13/R13) Pre-Approval Submission Form.

NIAAA will prioritize R13/U13 conference grants that support:

  • Conference attendance, including travel related expenses for students, postdoctoral trainees, and recently hired non-NIH funded junior faculty within two years of their academic appointment.
  • Conference grant that advances the participation, preferably as speakers, of non-NIH funded women and individuals, who are underrepresented in health-related sciences, and promote inclusivity within the research workforce.
  • Conference grants that are not free-standing conferences included as symposia, or as satellite meetings of major domestic Scientific Organizations or Societies with venues within the continental USA.
  • Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP) 

NIAAA will not consider Conference Grant applications that exceed $25,000 total cost in any given year. If the amount is over the budget cap, prospective applicants may contact the Program Officers or Division Directors before submitting the letter to the NIAAA Conference Liaison Officer. Proposed budget must not be used for non-allowable expenses as stated in the NOFO. As a rule, no NIAAA funding will be provided for the PI’s, key contributors and speakers' fees or expenses.

The request, which must be received by the NIAAA Conference Liaison Officer eight (8) weeks before the next standard due date, will be reviewed by Senior Staff at NIAAA. A letter of approval or denial will be sent to the Principal Investigator (PI). If approved, the PI must attach this letter to the e-submission letter in the application. Standard due dates (including AIDS deadline) for R13/U13 Conference grants are applied.

NIAAA may only accept R13/U13 grant applications two Council Cycles before the scheduled conference. Examples below:

Receipt date       Conference must start after
April 12 April 1 the following year
August 12 August 1 the following year
December 12 December 1 the following year

The pre-approval submission request packet due 8 weeks before the first receipt date must include the following:

Incomplete packet will be returned without review.

For additional information, interested individuals are encouraged to contact their Program Officers or the NIAAA Conference Liaison Officer listed below.

Dr. Beata Buzas
Telephone: 301 443 0800

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