Information on Post-Submission Materials
The Office of Extramural Activities/Extramural Project Review Branch will accept supplemental materials in support of a pending application in response to P01’s, P50’s, P60’s, U10, Consortia and other RFAs, as described in NOT OD 17-066, unless other post-submission materials are specified in the NOFO for which the application was submitted or in a special Guide Notice.
Allowable Post-Submission Materials for All Applications
- Citations of issued patents
- Revised budget page(s) (e.g., due to new funding or institutional acquisition of equipment)
- Biographical sketches (e.g., due to the hiring, replacement, or loss of an investigator)
- Letters of support or collaboration due to the hiring, replacement or loss of an investigator
- Adjustments resulting from natural disasters (e.g., loss of an animal colony)
- Adjustments resulting from change of institution [e.g., Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) moves to another university]
- News of professional promotion or positive tenure decision for any PD/PI or Senior/Key Personnel
- Approval by the NIH Stem Cell Registry of a human embryonic cell line(s) after submission of the application (see NOT-OD-12-111)
- Videos, within defined limits, that demonstrate devices and experimental data with a temporal element, which refers to the need to show how something functions or occurs over time, or demonstrates movement or change. Applicants must follow the directions in NOT-OD-12-141 for submitting videos to accompany grant applications.
- Other post-submission materials specified in the NOFO for which the application was submitted or in a special Guide Notice.
- News of an article accepted for publication since submission of the application, which must include only:
- List of authors and institutional affiliations
- Title of the article
- Journal or citation (if available)
The AOR of the applicant institution should submit electronically in PDF format the supplemental materials not less than 30 days before the review directly to the Scientific Review Officer.
The PI/PDs of the ARC are encouraged to correspond with the Scientific Review Officer assigned to the application.
Updated April 12, 2018