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Public Policy Effects on Alcohol-, Cannabis-, Tobacco-, and Other Drug-Related Behaviors and Outcomes

Gregory Bloss, Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research Participating IC: NIDA, NCI Purpose The purpose of this announcement is to replace a series of recently expired NIAAA-issued Program Announcements ( PA-17-132, PA-17-134, PA-17-135) to communicate support for research topics of interest to the Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and other...

El consumo de alcohol y el embarazo en los Estados Unidos

De acuerdo con la encuesta del Sistema de Vigilancia de los Factores de Riesgo Conductuales (BRFSS, por su sigla en inglés), realizada por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por su sigla en inglés) a aproximadamente 350,000 personas, entre 2018 y 2020, casi el 14% de las personas embarazadas de 18 a 49 años informaron...

El consumo nocivo de alcohol entre menores de edad universitarios

El consumo perjudicial de alcohol por parte de menores de edad en la universidad implica serios problemas de salud pública y supone una gran carga en las vidas de los estudiantes en los campus de Estados Unidos.

Goal 4: Improve Diagnosis and Expand Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol-Related Conditions

NIAAA encourages research to refine diagnosis, enhance treatment, sustain recovery, and ultimately, to reduce the treatment gap for alcohol use disorder and other alcohol-related health conditions.

Alcohol and HIV/AIDS - Comorbidities, Coinfections, and Complications Research: Intervention and Cross-Cutting Foundational Research

Kendall Bryant, Ph.D. Purpose The future Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO, a reissue of RFA AA 16-001) will solicit applications for human studies that will advance operations or implementation research in the context of alcohol and HIV/AIDS by facilitating the development of: (1) broader systems approaches for monitoring complex HIV and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality, and (2) interventions to reduce...

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Launches National Initiative to Prevent Underage Drinking - Governors' Spouses Form Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free

The little-known but alarming facts surrounding alcohol consumption by children ages 9 to 15 have prompted more than 25 Governors' Spouses to join forces and put this issue on the national agenda. Today they launched Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free, a multi-year, public-private partnership focused on preventing the use of alcohol by children, funded by the National Institute on...

NIH study finds hospitalizations increase for alcohol and drug overdoses

Hospitalizations for alcohol and drug overdoses – alone or in combination – increased dramatically among 18- to 24-year-olds between 1999 and 2008, according to a study by researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health. Led by Aaron M. White, Ph.D. and Ralph W. Hingson, Sc.D., of NIAAA’s division of...

Study Associates Alcohol Advertising with Brand Preference among Underage Drinkers

Underage alcohol use is a pervasive and persistent problem in the United States and many other countries, with serious health and safety consequences, often resulting from binge drinking. Given the significant amount of alcohol advertising to which young people are exposed in virtually all types of media, scientists have sought to learn whether and how such advertising influences underage drinking...

NIH issues online course on screening youth for alcohol problems

A new online training course will help health care professionals conduct fast, evidence-based alcohol screening and brief intervention with youth. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health, produced the course jointly with Medscape, a leading provider of online continuing medical education. “Just in time for back-to-school physicals, physicians, physician assistants, and...

Parents' Escape Drinking Evokes Children's Negative Response to Alcohol Smell

Researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia report in today's Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research that children between the ages of 3 and 6 years are likely to dislike the smell of beer if their parents report drinking to escape feelings of unhappiness. The findings extend earlier knowledge that young children acquire sensory learning about alcohol and suggest...

Alcohol Researchers Suggest Specific Binding Site for Anesthetics and Alcohols

Reporting in today's Early Edition of the August Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin and Stanford University describe a novel approach that may help scientists to better understand how alcohols and anesthetic drugs interact with certain brain proteins. The report also provides the strongest evidence to date that alcohols have specific...

Stress Hormone Linked to Increased Alcohol Consumption in Animal Model

Researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development report in the current issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (Volume 24, Number 5) results from the first study to determine whether future drinking may be predicted by response to stress during infancy. Monkeys that responded with high cortisol...

Alcohol Researchers Prove Brief Intervention Successful In Older Problem Drinkers

A study reported in the Journal of Family Practice (Volume 48, Number 5) shows that brief intervention can reduce alcohol consumption in problem drinkers aged 65 years and older. Project GOAL (Guiding Older Adult Lifestyles) is the first U.S. randomized controlled clinical trial to test the effectiveness of brief counseling by community-based primary care physicians in older problem drinkers. "Following...

Surgeon General Helps To Launch First-Ever National Alcohol Screening Day

Bethesda, Maryland. April 3, 1999 - Free, anonymous screenings for alcohol problems will be available Thursday, April 8, during the first-ever National Alcohol Screening Day (NASD), a public service event of National Alcohol Awareness Month. A national effort to increase the identification and awareness of alcohol problems, NASD is offered through a partnership of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse...

Age of Drinking Onset Predicts Future Alcohol Abuse and Dependence

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The younger the age of drinking onset, the greater the chance that an individual at some point in life will develop a clinically defined alcohol disorder, according to a new report released today by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Young people who began drinking before age 15 were four times more likely to develop...

Ninth Special Report on Alcohol and Health Marks Research Gains

Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna E. Shalala announces the availability of the Ninth Special Report to the U.S. Congress on Alcohol and Health, the latest in a series of triennial reports begun in 1970. The report highlights recent research on the effects of alcohol use, abuse, and dependence on individuals and society, new knowledge about the mechanisms of...

Low Concentrations of Alcohol Inhibit Prenatal Development of Hippocampal Neurons

The learning and memory disabilities associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) are due, in part, to hippocampal damage caused by ethanol exposure during prenatal development. However, the mechanism by which alcohol damages the developing hippocampus remains poorly understood. In the current study, researchers examined how ethanol exposure in neonatal rats – a period that is developmentally equivalent to the...

Expanded National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week begins January 25

Two NIH institutes join forces to educate teens about the risks of using drugs and alcohol An annual, week-long observance that brings together teens and scientific experts to shatter persistent myths about substance use and addiction will feature information about alcohol in addition to drug use. Now called National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW), the observance will be held...

Presidential Proclamation -- National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2015

Every day, resilient Americans with substance use disorders summon extraordinary courage and strength and commit to living healthy and productive lives through recovery. From big cities to small towns to Indian Country, substance use disorders affect the lives of millions of Americans. This month, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to all those who are seeking or in need of treatment...

New Technology Boosts Clinical Study Design for Alcohol Medications Team

To streamline elements of its clinical trials program, the NIAAA Clinical Investigations Group (NCIG) recently turned to a technological innovation called Take Control. A sophisticated computer-based alcohol intervention, Take Control proved effective in a number of pilot tests with NCIG’s drug development trials. Take Control was co-developed by Megan Ryan, Clinical Program Director/Technology Development Coordinator for NIAAA’s Division of Medications...
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