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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

NIH begins clinical trial of new medication for alcohol use disorder

A clinical trial investigating a potential treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD) was announced by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The study will assess the safety and efficacy of gabapentin enacarbil (HORIZANT) in extended-release tablets for treating moderate to severe AUD. NIAAA is part of the National Institutes of Health. Gabapentin is already widely prescribed to...

2017 National Conference on Alcohol and Opioid Use in Women & Girls

Home General Info Agenda Accommodations and Logistics Contact Registration Recommended Reading Our Sponsors 2017 National Conference on Alcohol and Opioid Use in Women & Girls: Advances in Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Research October 26 - 27, 2017 Washington Marriott at Metro Center Washington, DC As a follow-up to the 2008 National Conference on Preventing Substance-exposed Pregnancies sponsored by the ICCFASD...

Total per capita alcohol consumption in gallons of ethanol by State, United States, 2019.
U.S. total = 2.38 gallons <1.89: Arkansas Oklahoma Utah West Virginia 1.89–2.10: Alabama Georgia Idaho Kansas Kentucky Maryland Ohio >2.10–2.31: Arizona Indiana Mississippi Nebraska New Mexico New York North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington >2.31: Alaska California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Hawaii Illinois Iowa Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nevada New Hampshire New...
Agenda - 2022 National Conference on Alcohol and Other Substance Use Among Women and Girls
2022 National Conference on Alcohol and Other Substance Use in Women and Girls: Advances in Prevention, Treatment and Recovery October 20-21, 2022 CONFERENCE AGENDA DAY 1: Thursday, October 20, 2022 8:00 a.m.–8:10 a.m. ET Welcome & Introductions Deidra Roach, M.D., Program Director, Treatment, Health Services, and Recovery Branch, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Institutes of Health...
Brain Tissue Resource Center for Alcohol Research (R28, Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Hemin Chin, Division of Neuroscience and Behavior Participating IC: None Purpose The purpose of this announcement is to issue a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to solicit research resource applications that (i) develop a “bank” of brain tissues (fresh-frozen and formalin-fixed) from human subjects with alcohol use disorder (AUD) and control cases with confirmed clinical and pathological diagnoses, (ii) develop...
Crianza de los hijos para prevenir el consumo infantil de alcohol
Consumir alcohol forma parte, sin duda, de la cultura estadounidense al igual que las conversaciones entre padres e hijos sobre sus riesgos. El alcohol afecta a las personas de distintas maneras en las diferentes etapas de la vida. En el caso de los niños y adolescentes, el alcohol puede interferir con el desarrollo normal del cerebro. Los diferentes efectos del...
Recurrir al alcohol para aliviar el dolor: ¿cuáles son los riesgos?
Desde los tiempos antiguos, las personas han consumido alcohol para aliviar el dolor. Los estudios de laboratorio confirman que el alcohol, de hecho, reduce el dolor en seres humanos y en animales. Aún más, investigaciones recientes sugieren que el 28% de las personas que tiene dolor crónico recurren al alcohol para aliviar su sufrimiento. A pesar de esto, el consumo...
Alcohol Researchers Identify Genetic Locus of Human Brain Wave (Beta EEG Frequency)

Bernice Porjesz, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry, State University of New York, Health Sciences Center at Brooklyn, and others from six of the nine universities that comprise NIAAA's Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) report in today's online version of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (99[6]:3729-3733) significant linkage and linkage disequilibrium between beta brain wave (EEG)...

Study Shows that a Specific GABA(A) Receptor Plays a Critical Role in Alcohol Intake

Recent research suggests that receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA(A) that lie outside of the synapse and which contain a molecular fragment known as a delta-subunit are sensitive to alcohol, raising the possibility that these receptors might help produce alcohol’s reinforcing effects after consuming one or a few drinks. In the current study, researchers tested the hypothesis that these extrasynaptic GABA(A)...

NIAAA to conduct clinical trial of new medication for alcohol use disorder

NIH researchers seek to expand treatment options The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) will conduct a clinical trial of gabapentin enacarbil as a potential treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD). NIAAA estimates that the six-month trial will begin in the first half of 2015 and will enroll approximately 350 participants. The study will assess the safety and...

NIH-funded scientists identify brain site for stress role in binge alcohol drinking

New research supported by the National Institutes of Health shows how elements of the brain’s stress and reward pathways can interact to suppress binge alcohol drinking. The finding, now online in the journal Nature Neuroscience, suggests potential strategies for treating and preventing alcohol use problems. “This study is an important contribution to our knowledge of the neurobiology of alcohol use...

Alcohol Survey Reveals 'Lost Decade' Between Ages of Disorder Onset and Treatment

At some time during their lives, more than 30 percent of U.S. adults surveyed in 2001-2002 had met current diagnostic criteria [i] for an alcohol use disorder (AUD), according to an article in the current issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry. Many of those persons never received treatment, and many others did not receive treatment until well after AUD...

Severe Childhood ADHD May Predict Alcohol, Substance Use Problems in Teen Years

Scientists tracking the progress of children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as they became teenagers have shed new light on the link between ADHD and the risk of developing alcohol and substance use problems. The researchers found that individuals with severe problems of inattention as children were more likely than their peers to report alcohol-related problems, a greater frequency of...

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