Long-Chain Alcohol Found To Block Mechanism of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
An article in today’s Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal (Chen, S; Wilkemeyer, M; Sulik, K; and Charness, M. Octanol antagonism of ethanol teratogenesis, FASEB J. 10.1096/fj00-08620fje and Volume 15, Number 9, July 2001) reports that the long-chain alcohol 1-octanol successfully blocks a mechanism leading to fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Viewed as paradoxical because it is the...
Researchers Link PKA to Voluntary Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol Effects
Researchers at the University of Washington report in the May 15 Journal of Neuroscience (Volume 20, RC75) the first direct evidence in mice that protein kinase A (PKA) signaling regulates both alcohol-seeking behavior and sensitivity to some of the effects of alcohol intoxication. Given a choice between plain water and solutions containing alcohol, mice missing the RIIB subunit of PKA...
Agenda - 146th Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, September 14, 2017
Scientific Director for the Division of Intramural Clinical and Biological Research selected for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
The importance of alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in closing the alcohol use disorder treatment gap
Study Highlights Importance of Positive Alcohol Responses for Future Alcohol Problems
Some people experience the initial effects of alcohol as stimulating and euphoric, while others experience mostly unpleasant sedative effects. How individuals’ immediate responses to alcohol influence their future drinking behavior has been an active area of scientific research. One theory holds that people who have a low level of positive response to alcohol and who also are less sensitive to...
Ibudilast reduces alcohol drinking in multiple animal models of alcohol dependence
Results from a recent NIAAA study suggest that the medication ibudilast may be viable as a potential treatment for alcohol dependence. Ibudilast, an anti-inflammatory medication that acts as a non-selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor, reduces alcohol drinking and relapse in alcohol-preferring P rats, high-alcohol drinking HAD1 rats, and in mice made dependent on alcohol through cycles of alcohol vapor exposure. Neuroinflammatory signaling...
Journals and Alcohol Alerts
Epi-Genetic Modulators of Fear Extinction in Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol and Your Pregnancy (American Indian Version)
Kaiser Permanente Northern California Alcohol Registry
NIAAA at 50: A Legacy of Advancing Alcohol Research
Alcohol and Aging Concept Clearance (2020 NOSI)
Andras Orosz, Ph.D. with contributions from: Changhai Cui, Ph.D., I-Jen Castle, Ph.D., and Deidra Roach, M.D. Alcohol and Aging (R01, R21; New concept addressing a priority area of the 2017-2021 NIAAA Strategic Plan) Purpose The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to promote research to improve our understanding of the effects of alcohol consumption on aging across...