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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)


CADCA Leadership Forum 2021
Tuesday, February 2, 2021, 2:30 pm EST to Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:45 pm EST
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) Virtual National Leadership Forum February 1-4, 2021. NIAAA presentations include the following: NIAAA Power Session Date: February 2, 2021 Time: 2:30 - 3:45 PM Presenter: NIAAA Director Dr. George F. Koob Update on Women and Alcohol: An Emerging Public Health Crisis Date: February 3, 2021 Time: 10:00 - 11:15 PM Presenters: Dr. Deidra Roach...


Harmonizing the Spiritual and Scientific Worldviews: Webinar with Dr. Francis Collins, NIH Director
Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 2:00 pm EST to Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 3:00 pm EST
A webinar presentation by NIH Director Dr. Francis S. Collins: “Harmonizing the Spiritual and Scientific Worldviews." The event is open to the public. Presented at NIH Videocast . Sponsored by the Religion, Spirituality, and Health Scientific Interest Group (RSH-SIG) at NIH, a trans-NIH initiative comprising staff from several NIH institutes and centers, including NIAID, NCI, NIMH, and NCCIH. More information...


Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies (SIPS) International Conference
Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 8:00 am EDT to Friday, May 28, 2021, 5:00 pm EDT
3rd International Conference of the Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies (SIPS) International Conference May 26-28, 2021 To view the program of this virtual conference visit George F. Koob, Ph.D., Director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, will speak at a plenary session on Thursday, May 27, 2021.


Advisory Council Meeting - May 11, 2021
Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:10 pm EDT to Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 4:20 pm EDT
On May 11th, NIAAA will virtually host the 157th Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The event is open to the public. The full agenda and webcast link are available now.


2021 ICCFASD Annual Public Meeting
Friday, April 23, 2021, 11:00 am EDT to Friday, April 23, 2021, 4:30 pm EDT
The 2021 Annual Public Meeting of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (ICCFASD) will be held on April 23, 2021, 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM EST, ONLINE. The meeting agenda is now available. The meeting is Videocast and will be available live and archived at The meeting direct link (URL): The Interagency Coordinating Committee on...

Knowledge Base

Submitted by choochits2 on

This NIAAA Main Site Guide serves as a living reference document for recording instructions and available content tools.

Logging In

Submitted by lumanlanmy on

To login into the site to make changes, begin by opening a web browser and go to: 

You will be prompted to ‘Sign in’ using your PIV card as shown in the screenshot below. 

Make the selection of your certificate and enter PIN to get to the website and make content updates. 

Content Types

Submitted by lumanlanmy on

Following is some general information and tips about specific Content Types available in the website.

Basic Page 

Use basic pages for your static content, such as an 'About us' page, and a great majority of content on the site. Agendas, Reports, Director's Blog, landing pages etc. 

Advisory Council Minutes 

Use it for all advisory council meeting minutes. 


Use it to add a new Announcement to the site. 

News Release 

Use it to add a new News Release to the site. 


Use it to add an Event to the site. 

Research Update 

Use it to add a news update on research conducted at NIAAA.  

Book Page 

Use for handbooks and tutorials. Currently being used in the site for Strategic Plan report. 

Congressional Budget 

Used to post a PDF of the congressional budget justification.  

Congressional Testimony 

Used for the page with Director’s budget request statement/ testimony to congress. 


Use this to create Intramural lab pages. 

Division Landing Page 

Use this to create Extramural landing pages. 

Person Profile 

Use this to create profile page for staff and lab members. 


Used for publications (brochures & factsheets, etc.) 

General Editing

Submitted by lumanlanmy on

Content Overview Page 

Clicking on the Content link will take you to a list of all content on the site. From here you can perform the following tasks: 

  • Filter for Content on the site using the provided filters. 
  • Quick access to visit or edit the relevant pages on the site. 


WYSIWYG is short for “What You See Is What You Get.” It is a type of form control used frequently on the site that allows you to style text areas. You can make text bold or italic, create links, bullet or number lists, and embed Media (images, videos, etc.) 

Embedding Media (Image, Files etc.) 

Select ‘Insert from Media Library’ option to insert images and files as shown in the screenshot below. 

When adding Media you will be prompted with a popup. 

On left there are three links: first one to upload an image (allowed types: png, gif, jpg and jpeg), second to upload a file (all file types), and the third one to upload publications (allowed types: txt, doc, docx and pdf). 

After you choose and review your media, there is an option to ‘Edit media’ which will allow you to add alternate text, caption and align the media as shown in the screenshot below. 

Copy/ Paste from MS Word 

To copy/ paste content from Microsoft Word document, select ‘Paste from Word’ option as shown in the screenshot below. It allows you to paste content from Word and maintain original content formatting. 

Content Revisions 

Drupal creates a new Revision every time a Node is updated. This allows you to track how the Node has changed over time on the site. It allows you to Revert back to a previous state if needed as well. 

  1. The Revision column shows you when Revision was made and who was responsible for the Revision. 
  2. A revision log message helps inform users of the changes that were made to the Node. It is not required to create a log message, but it is encouraged as it makes it easier to track changes over time. 


Similar to the content overview page, clicking on the Media link will take you to a list of all Media on the site. You can perform the following tasks: 

  • Filter for Media on the site using the provided filters. 
  • Quick access to edit the desired Media on the site. 

How To Create Profile Pages

Submitted by lumanlanmy on

Follow the steps below to create profile pages.

  1. Select Content> Add Content> Person Profile content type as shown in the screenshot below. 
  2. Fill in the required fields- Job Title, Name, Credentials and Email and click ‘Save’. 


Create, Edit, Update Intramural Lab Pages

Submitted by lumanlanmy on

Create Intramural Lab Pages 

Follow the steps below to create Intramural lab pages 

  1. Select Content> Add content> Lab as shown in the screenshot below. 
  2. Fill in the details on ‘Create Lab’ page.  
    Note: Following fields are required: Title, Lab Contact Information, Overview of the Lab, Lab Members, and Selected Publications. 
    1. Add the Banner Image (Optional) 
      1. To add the banner image, click ‘Add media’. Note: The recommended image size is 1200 px x 360 px 
      2. Then ‘Choose File’, select the image to be inserted and click ‘Insert Selected’ as shown in the screenshot below.
    2. Add Lab Members (Required) 
      1. Under ‘Lab Members’ section, start typing the name of the member in the text field provided and the name should show up in the drop down.  
        Note: The name will only show up if the profile page for the lab member has been created. Please refer to the section ‘How to create profile pages?’ above for more details. 
    3. And save as ‘draft’ as shown in the screenshot below. 


Edit/ Update Intramural Lab Pages 

  1. Click ‘Edit’ as shown in the screenshot below to edit the lab page. 
  2. Update the content as needed and click Save.

Create, Edit, Update Extramural Lab Pages

Submitted by lumanlanmy on

Follow the steps below to create Extramural lab pages 

Create Extramural Lab Pages 

  1. Select Content> Add Content> Division Landing page as shown in the screenshot below. 
  2. Fill in the details on ‘Create Division Landing page’. 
    Note: Following fields are required: Office/ Division, and Featured Funding Opportunities. 
  3. Save as ‘Draft’ as shown in the screenshot below. 

Edit/ Update Extramural Lab Pages 

  1. Click ‘Edit’ as shown in the screenshot below to edit the lab page. 
  2. Update the content as needed and click Save. 


Dr. Koob Pledges Full Support for NIH UNITE Program
NIAAA Director Dr. George F. Koob today announced his “enthusiastic and full-fledged support of, and commitment to, the NIH UNITE program,” the new NIH-wide initiative to address structural racism at NIH. The full text of Dr. Koob’s statement reads: Issues of racial equity and inclusion weigh heavily on me as I contemplate the future of alcohol research. While NIAAA has...
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