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Public Inquiries - Ask NIAAA The information and email services on this website cannot provide personalized medical advice about conditions or treatments. The information and resources on this site or provided through Ask NIAAA should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult your medical care provider for answers to personal health questions. For questions about NIAAA...
NIH HEAL Initiative Concept: Developing an Evidence Base for OUD-AUD Interventions
In Memoriam: Dr. Loren (Larry) Parsons
With profound sadness, staff at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism note the passing of Loren (Larry) Parsons, Ph.D., of the Committee on the Neurobiology of Addictive Disorders (CNAD) at The Scripps Research Institute. Colleagues remember Dr. Parsons as a brilliant neuroscientist, a dynamic leader in CNAD and a wonderful, well-loved human being. Dr. Parsons developed a spectacular...
Alcoholic Hepatitis Workshop - FDA, NIAAA, AASLD - Sponsors
NIH issues new funding opportunities for research to improve treatment outcomes for substance use disorders
The Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH (CRAN) has published two Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) on "Target Assessment, Engagement and Data Replicability to Improve Substance Use Disorders Treatment Outcomes (R33) and (R21/R33). Areas supported by this NOFO include research to generate and conduct preliminary tests of targeted addiction treatment to address multiple substances, which may include alcohol, tobacco and...
Martha (Sonsy) Fermin, HRSA
Webinar: Women, Pregnancy and Addiction: Understanding and Addressing Stigma Amongst Healthcare Providers and the General Public
Joint Meeting Agenda for December 13, 2012
In Memoriam: Dr. Daniel W. Hommer, M.D.
Dr. Daniel W. Hommer, M.D., beloved and respected member of the NIAAA research community, served as Chief of the Section of Brain Electrophysiology and Imaging from 1992 until 2012. There Dan led a team of talented researchers who performed groundbreaking work on the structural and functional effects of alcohol on the brain. Dan, a Fellow of the American College of...
Register for the FDA, NIAAA, AASLD Workshop: Clinical Trial Design and Endpoints for Alcoholic Hepatitis and other Alcohol-Associated Liver Diseases, March 26-27
Alkohol at ang Utak: Isang Pangkalahatang-ideya (Tagalog)
ABCD study completes enrollment, announces opportunities for scientific engagement
The National Institutes of Health announced today that enrollment for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study is now complete and, in early 2019, scientists will have access to baseline data from all ABCD Study participants. There are 11,874 youth, ages 9-10, participating in the study, including 2,100 young people who are twins or triplets. All will be followed through...
Surveillance Report COVID-19
Table 1. Number and rate of discharges with principal (first-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, by sex and age group, 2000–2015
Table 2. Number and rate of discharges with any (all-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, by sex and age group, 2000–2015
New Funding Opportunity: Dynamic Neuroimmune Interactions in the Transition from Brain Function to Dysfunction, RFA-AA-18-007
NIAAA has issued the following RFA for the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research Dynamic Neuroimmune Interactions in the Transition from Brain Function to Dysfunction RFA-AA-18-007, R01 The goal of this NOFO is to transform our understanding of how dynamic interactions among multiple cell types involved in neuroimmune interactions (e.g., neurons, glia cells, neurovascular units, or other neuroimmune components) mediate...