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Table 4-1. Prevalence of need for treatment for alcohol use and illicit drug use and percentage for not receiving treatment among those who needed treatment in the past 12 months, females ages 15–44, by age group, 3-year moving annual averages, 2002–2015

Treatment Category and Year Age 15-44 (Total) 15-17 18-20 21-25 26-34 35-44 Percent S.E. Percent S.E. Percent S.E. Percent S.E. Percent S.E. Percent S.E. Needed treatment for alcohol use 2013–2015 nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc 2012–2014 7.0 0.2 5.6 0.3 10.4 0.5 11.2 0.3 7.6 0.4 4.4 0.3 2011–2013 7.2 0.2 6.1 0.3...

Table 4-2

Table 4-2. Prevalence of need for treatment for alcohol use and illicit drug use and percentage for not receiving treatment among those who needed treatment in the past 12 months, females ages 15–44, by race/Hispanic origin, 3-year moving annual averages, 2002–2015. Treatment Category and Year Race/Hispanic Origin Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Non-Hispanic Other Hispanic Percent S.E. Percent S.E. Percent S.E...

Percent distribution of principal (first-listed) diagnoses among discharges with principal (first-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, 2015.

51.2% alcohol psychosis 27.1% chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 15.9% alcohol dependence syndrome 4.2% nondependent abuse of alcohol 1.6% alcohol poisoning Total number of discharges with principal (first-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis = approximately 412,000

Trends in percent distribution of principal (first-listed) diagnoses among discharges with principal (first-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, 2000–2015

Year Alcoholic psychoses Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis Nondependent abuse of alcohol Alcohol dependence syndrome Alcohol poisoning 2015 51.2 27.1 4.2 15.9 1.6 2014 49.0 27.6 4.3 17.6 1.6 2013 43.7 27.5 4.5 22.5 1.8 2012 41.9 26.8 4.7 24.8 1.8 2011 38.9 26.4 4.9 28.0 1.9 2010 39.9 25.3 4.9 27.8 2.1 2009 39.5 26.8 4.6 27.5 1.7 2008...

Percent distribution of principal (first-listed) diagnoses among discharges with any (all-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, 2015.

8.2% alcoholic psychoses 2.5% alcohol dependence syndrome 2.6% alcohol-related cirrhosis 1.7% other specified and unspecified cirrhosis without mention of alcohol 0.7% nondependent abuse of alcohol 0.3% alcohol poisoning 84.0% alcohol–related, non–first–listed diagnosis Total number of discharges with any (all-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis = approximately 2.6 million

Trends in percent of discharges with principal (first-listed) or any (all-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis among all discharges for U.S. population ages 12 and older, 2000–2015

Year First–listed diagnosis All–listed diagnosis First–listed diagnosis (excluding delivery) All–listed diagnosis (excluding delivery) 2015 1.34 8.36 1.52 9.51 2014 1.28 8.02 1.46 9.14 2013 1.22 7.68 1.39 8.73 2012 1.20 7.43 1.36 8.42 2011 1.18 7.09 1.33 7.98 2010 1.23 6.96 1.39 7.84 2009 1.13 6.49 1.29 7.37 2008 1.13 6.08 1.29 6.91 2007 1.13 5.91 1.31 6.80 2006 1.11...

Table 1. Number and rate of discharges with principal (first-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, by sex and age group, 2000–2015

Diagnostic category and year Number of discharges (in 1,000s) Rate per 10,000 population Total 1 Male Female 12–20 years 21–24 years 25–44 years 45–64 years 65+ years Total 1 Male Female 12–20 years 21–24 years 25–44 years 45–64 years 65+ years Any alcohol-related diagnosis 2015 411.7 289.0 122.6 3.0 7.0 123.7 228.5 49.5 15.12 21.71 8.81 0.80 3.79 14.65 27.24...

Table 2. Number and rate of discharges with any (all-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, by sex and age group, 2000–2015

Diagnostic category and year Number of discharges (in 1,000s) Rate per 10,000 population Total 1 Male Female 12–20 years 21–24 years 25–44 years 45–64 years 65+ years Total 1 Male Female 12–20 years 21–24 years 25–44 years 45–64 years 65+ years Any alcohol-related diagnosis 2015 2576.6 1680.6 895.5 36.3 58.3 573.5 1317.0 591.5 94.64 126.25 64.36 9.60 31.78 67.88 156.98...

Table 3. Average length of stay (in days) for discharges with principal (first-listed) mention of an alcohol-related diagnosis for U.S. population ages 12 and older, by sex and age group, 2000–2015

Sex or age and year Alcoholic psychoses Alcohol dependence syndrome Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis Nondependent abuse of alcohol Alcohol poisoning Any Alcohol-related Other specified without mention of alcohol Unspecified without mention of alcohol U.S. Total 2015 4.5 5.2 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.6 2.5 3.5 2014 4.6 5.2 5.8 5.9 5.6 5.6 2.5 3.1 2013 4.6 4.9 5.8 5.7 5.9...

The importance of alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in closing the alcohol use disorder treatment gap

This article was first published in NIAAA Spectrum Volume 15, Issue 2. Decades of research have firmly established the importance of asking primary care patients about their alcohol use, providing brief advice about reducing alcohol misuse, and referring them to appropriate alcohol treatments, as necessary. Studies consistently find that these practices, known collectively as alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral...

Alcohol and Your Brain: A Virtual Reality Experience

Welcome to Alcohol and Your Brain, an interactive activity for youth ages 13 and older to learn about alcohol’s effects on five areas of the brain. This educational experience shares age-appropriate messages through engaging visuals, informative billboards, and narration. Two versions of this activity are available. One is formatted for the virtual reality (VR) environment and the other in a...


DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON ALCOHOL ABUSE AND ALCOHOLISM 162nd Meeting of the NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON ALCOHOL ABUSE AND ALCOHOLISM February 9, 2023 The National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) convened its 162nd meeting at 12:45 p.m. on Thursday, February 9, 2023, via Zoom videoconference and NIH Webcast...

Surveillance Report #120

APPARENT PER CAPITA ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION: NATIONAL, STATE, AND REGIONAL TRENDS, 1977–2021 Megan E. Slater, Ph.D. Hillel R. Alpert, Sc.D. CSR, Incorporated 1 Suite 270 22375 Broderick Drive Sterling, VA 20166 April 2023 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service National Institutes of Health 1 CSR, Incorporated, operates the Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System (AEDS) under Contract No. HHSN275201800004C...

Alcohol and other substance use to cope with social anxiety

This article was first published in NIAAA Spectrum Volume 15, Issue 2. Using alcohol to cope with social anxiety is associated with increased substance use and more consequences among young adults, according to a study by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)-supported researchers. The findings also suggest that young adults who drink to cope with social anxiety experience...

How to Apply The Core Resource on Alcohol in Clinical Practice

The Healthcare Professional’s Core Resource on Alcohol consists of 14 concise, practical articles created to help you deliver evidence-based alcohol healthcare. If you’re wondering where to begin, the “roadmap” below can help. Roadmap for Applying the Core Resource Here, we sort the Core articles broadly into “how-to content” and “context for care” to show how they could be applied in...
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