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Senator Harold Hughes Memorial Award

NIAAA's Hughes Award recognizes the contributions of a non-researcher whose work translates alcohol research into practice and builds bridges between the alcohol prevention, treatment, and policy-making communities.

The award is named for U.S. Senator Harold Hughes (Iowa), a major force behind passage of the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970, which established the NIAAA. Until his death in 1996, Senator Hughes remained active in the alcohol field, founding recovery centers and raising awareness about alcohol’s impact on health.

Hughes Award Winners

2024 - Robert B. Huebner, Ph.D., retired Federal program director and alcohol treatment coordinator (NIAAA News)

2019 - Geoffrey K. Mumford, Ph.D., Associate Executive Director for Government Relations in the Science Directorate of the American Psychological Association (APA) (NIAAA news release

2017 - Penny S. Mills, executive vice president and CEO of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) (NIAAA news release)

2016 - General Arthur T. Dean, chairman and CEO of Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) (NIAAA news release)
2015 - Jonathan Gibralter, Ph.D., president of Frostburg State University (FSU) (NIAAA news release)
2014 - Tom Donaldson, president and CEO of the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) (NIAAA news release)
2013 - Marianne “Mimi” Fleury, president and co-founder of the Community of Concern (NIAAA news release)
2002 - Barbara Foley, R.N., executive director and co-founder of Emergency Nurses CARE (EN CARE) (NIAAA news release)
2001 - Margaret "Migs" Woodside, founder and former president and CEO of the Children of Alcoholics Foundation (NIAAA news release)
2000 - Sis Wenger, executive director of the National Association of Children of Alcoholics (NACoA) 
1999 - Jean Kinney, M.S.W., assistant professor, Dartmouth Medical School


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