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Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2024-2028

Research Goals

This strategic plan includes four major goals, which cover the depth and breadth of research necessary to improve the understanding of and to address the effects of alcohol misuse on individuals and society. These goals complement the Cross-Cutting Research Themes, Cross-Cutting Research Programs, and Supporting the Mission sections of this strategic plan.

human organs model

Goal 1: Elucidate the Biological Mechanisms and Consequences of Alcohol Misuse

NIAAA aims to advance research on the brain cells and circuits that underlie and are altered by alcohol misuse, and the complex relationships between alcohol misuse and physiological effects throughout the body.

a bar graph and trend on a laptop screen

Goal 2: Identify Patterns, Trends, and Public Health Impact of Alcohol Misuse

NIAAA will continue to support epidemiological research to identify and track patterns of alcohol use and misuse, drinking-related outcomes and disparities, and individual and environmental variables that confer risk or resilience.

students in a class room

Goal 3: Prevent and Reduce Alcohol Misuse, Alcohol Use Disorder, and Associated Consequences

NIAAA encourages the development, evaluation, and implementation of individual, family, school, community, and policy-based strategies to prevent alcohol misuse, alcohol use disorder, and related consequences.

a physician talking to a patient

Goal 4: Improve Diagnosis and Expand Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol-Related Conditions

NIAAA encourages research to refine diagnosis, enhance treatment, sustain recovery, and ultimately, to reduce the treatment gap for alcohol use disorder and other alcohol-related health conditions.

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