Multilingual Health Information
Updated: February 2025
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) offers many easy-to-understand patient resources on alcohol use disorder, alcohol’s effects on health, alcohol overdose, and related topics in multiple languages, such as Spanish, Chinese, and Russian. See our multilingual resources below.
For the Public
- Aging and Alcohol - El alcohol y el envejecimiento
- Alcohol and the Adolescent Brain - El alcohol y el cerebro del adolescente
- Alcohol and the Brain: An Overview - Generalidades sobre el alcohol y el cerebro
- Alcohol and the Hispanic Community - El alcohol y la comunidad hispana
- Alcohol and Your Pregnancy - El alcohol y su embarazo
- Alcohol Facts and Statistics - Datos y estadísticas sobre el alcohol
- Alcohol Flush Reaction - Reacción de rubor al alcohol: ¿por qué beber alcohol lo hace sonrojar?
- Alcohol Metabolism - El metabolismo del alcohol
- Alcohol's Effects on the Body - Los efectos del consumo de alcohol en el cuerpo
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - Trastorno por consumo de alcohol: una comparación entre el DSM-IV y el DSM-5
- Drinking Levels Defined - Definición de los niveles de consumo de alcohol
- Fall Semester—A Time for Parents To Discuss the Risks of College Drinking - Semestre de otoño—El momento para que los padres hablen sobre de los riesgos del alcohol en la universidad
- Get the Facts About Underage Drinking - El consumo de alcohol entre menores
- Hangovers - Resaca
- Harmful and Underage College Drinking - El consumo de alcohol en la universidad
- Harmful Interactions - Reacciones adversas: al mezclar bebidas alcohólicas con medicamentos
- Interrupted Memories: Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - Recuerdos interrumpidos: lagunas mentales inducidas por el alcohol
- Make a Difference: Talk to Your Child About Alcohol – Parents - Haga la diferencia: hable con sus hijos sobre el uso del alcohol
- Parenting To Prevent Childhood Alcohol Use - Crianza de los hijos para prevenir el consumo infantil de alcohol
- Parents—Talk With Your High School Grads About Celebrating Safely - Padres: hablen con sus hijos sobre cómo celebrar su grado de secundaria de forma segura
- Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol & Your Health - Pienselo antes de beber: el alcohol y su salud [PDF – 2.4 MB]
- Risky Drinking Can Put a Chill on Your Summer Fun - Beber peligrosamente puede enfriar la diversión del verano
- The Cycle of Alcohol Addiction - El ciclo de la adicción al alcohol
- The Truth About Holiday Spirits - La verdad sobre el consumo de alcohol en las fiestas de fin de año
- Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help - Tratamiento del alcoholismo: cómo buscar y obtener ayuda
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Comprensión del trastorno por consumo de alcohol
- Understanding Alcohol’s Adverse Impact on Health - NIAAA: comprender el impacto del alcohol sobre la salud
- Understanding Binge Drinking - El consumo excesivo y peligroso de alcohol
- Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - Exposición fetal al alcohol
- Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose - Entender los riesgos de sobredosis de alcohol
- Using Alcohol to Relieve Your Pain: What Are the Risks? - Recurrir al alcohol para aliviar el dolor: ¿cuáles son los riesgos?
- Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome - El síndrome de Wernicke-Korsakoff
- What Is A Standard Drink? - ¿Qué es una bebida estándar?
- Women and Alcohol - Las mujeres y el alcohol
For Professionals
- Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth: A Practitioner's Guide - Pruebas de detección del consumo de alcohol y breve intervención para jóvenes: Guía para profesionales
- Pocket Guide for Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth: A Practitioner's Guide - Guía de bolsillo para Pruebas de detección del consumo de alcohol y breve intervención para jóvenes: Guía para profesionales
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - የተበታተኑ ትዉስታዎች:- በአልኮል የሚመጡ ጊዜያዊ ራስን መሳቶች [PDF – 397 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - የአልኮል መጠጥ ከመጠን በላይ መጠጣት ያለውን አደጋ መገንዘብ [PDF – 1.9 MB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - የአልኮል ጠጭነት ህመም:- በ DSM–IV እና በ DSM–5 መካከል ያለ ንፅፅር [PDF – 357 KB]
- Hangovers - ሃንግኦቨር [PDF – 217 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - የአልኮል ጠጭነት ህመምን መረዳት [PDF – 521 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - الكحول الذكریات المبتورة: حالات فقدان الذاكرة المؤقت بسبب [PDF – 431 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - فھم أخطار التسمم الكحولي [PDF – 614 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - DSM–5 و DSM–IV اضطراب تعاطي الكحول: مقارنة بين دليلي [PDF – 370 KB]
- Hangovers - صداع الكحول [PDF – 285 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - فھم اضطراب تعاطي الكحول [PDF – 473 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - 记忆中断:酒精诱发的记忆中断 [PDF – 566 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - 瞭解酒精過量的危險 [PDF – 560 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - 酒精使用障碍:DSM–IV 和 DSM–5 对比 [PDF – 369 KB]
- Hangovers - 宿醉 [PDF – 257 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - 了解酒精使用障碍 [PDF – 396 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - 記憶中斷:酒精誘導的酒精性記憶空白 (Blackouts) [PDF – 793 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - 了解酒精过量的危害 [PDF – 843 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - 酒精使用疾患:DSM–IV 與 DSM–5 的比較 [PDF – 660 KB]
- Hangovers - 宿醉 [PDF – 645 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - 認識酒精使用疾患 [PDF – 696 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - انقطاع خاطرات: خاموشی حافظھ در اثر الکل [PDF – 499 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - آشنایی با خطرھای مصرف بیش از حد الکل [PDF – 559 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - DSM–5 و DSM–IV اختالل مصرف الکل: مقایسه بین [PDF – 291 KB]
- Hangovers - خماری [PDF – 331 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - درک اختلال مصرف الکل [PDF – 610 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - Interruption des souvenirs : Trous noirs induits par l’alcool [PDF – 397 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - Connaître les dangers liés à la surdose d’alcool [PDF – 2.0 MB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - Trouble lié à la consommation d’alcool : Comparaison entre le DSM–IV et le DSM–5 [PDF – 317 KB]
- Hangovers - La gueule de bois [PDF – 409 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Comprendre le trouble de l’usage de l’alcool [PDF – 367 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - Entèwonp Memwa: Alkòl Pwovoke Twoub Memwa [PDF – 402 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - Konprann Danje yo nan yon Ovèdòz Alkòl [PDF – 633 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - Twoub Konsomasyon Alkòl: Yon Konparezon Ant DSM–IV ak DSM–5 [PDF – 307 KB]
- Hangovers - Mal makak [PDF – 232 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Konprann Twoub Konsomasyon Alkòl [PDF – 433 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - Memorie interrotte: Blackout indotti da alcol [PDF – 415 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - Comprendere i pericoli del sovradosaggio di alcol [PDF – 697 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - Disturbo da consumo di alcol: Confronto tra DSM–IV e DSM–5 [PDF – 322 KB]
- Hangovers - Postumi [PDF – 257 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Comprendere il disturbo da uso di alcol [PDF – 464 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - 途切れた記憶:アルコール誘導性のブラックアウト [PDF – 532 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - アルコール過剰摂取の 危険性の理解 [PDF – 1.2 MB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - アルコール使用障害:DSM–IVとDSM–5の比較 [PDF – 355 KB]
- Hangovers - 二日酔い [PDF – 268 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - アルコール使用障害についての理解 [PDF – 572 KB
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - 일시적 기억상실: 알코올 유도성 블랙아웃 [PDF – 644 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - 알코올 과다복용의 위험 이해 [PDF – 1.7 MB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - 알코올 사용 장애: DSM–IV와 DSM–5의 비교 [PDF – 434 KB]
- Hangovers - 숙취 [PDF – 338 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - 알코올 사용 장애에 대한 [PDF – 611 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - Przerywane wspomnienia: Stan niepamięci spowodowanej spożyciem alkoholu [PDF – 443 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - Zrozumienie zagrożeń związanych z przedawkowaniem alkoholu [PDF – 780 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - Zaburzenie związane ze spożywaniem alkoholu: Porównanie DSM–IV i DSM–5 [PDF – 428 KB]
- Hangovers - Kac [PDF – 471 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Zrozumienie zaburzenia związanego ze spożywaniem [PDF – 459 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - Memórias interrompidas: apagões induzidos por álcool [PDF – 386 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - Compreendendo os perigos da overdose de álcool [PDF – 744 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - Transtorno do uso de álcool: uma comparação entre o DSM–IV e o DSM–5 [PDF – 316 KB]
- Hangovers - Ressacas [PDF – 330 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Entendendo o transtorno do uso de álcool [PDF – 398 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - Провалы в памяти после алкоголя [PDF – 423 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - Понимание опасности передозировки алкоголя [PDF – 1.2 MB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - Психическое расстройство, связанное употреблением алкоголя: сравнение руководств DSM–IV и DSM–5 [PDF – 451 KB]
- Hangovers - Похмелье [PDF – 350 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Понимание расстройства, связанного с употреблением алкоголя [PDF – 454 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - Nagambalang Mga Alaala Mga Pagblackout na Sanhi ng Alkohol [PDF – 418 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - Pag-unawa sa mga Panganib ng Sobrang Dosis ng Alkohol [PDF – 647 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - Karamdaman sa Pag-inom ng Alkohol: Isang Paghahambing sa Pagitan ng DSM–IV at DSM–5 [PDF – 276 KB]
- Hangovers - Mga Hangover [PDF – 241 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Pag-unawa sa Karamdaman sa Pag-inom ng Alkohol [PDF – 502 KB]
- Alcohol-Induced Blackouts - Ký ức Bị Gián đoạn: Mất trí nhớ Do Nghiện rượu [PDF – 526 KB]
- Alcohol Overdose - Hiểu Biết Về Sự Nguy Hại Của Quá Liều Rượu [PDF – 848 KB]
- Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5 - Rối loạn Sử dụng Rượu: So sánh Giữa DSM–IV và DSM–5 [PDF – 404 KB]
- Hangovers - Nôn nao [PDF – 301 KB]
- Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder - Tìm hiểu về Rối loạn Sử dụng Rượu [PDF – 505 KB]