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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to Host Webinar on Using New Definitions and Tools to Support Alcohol Recovery

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the NIH, is hosting an informative and interactive free webinar: Using New Definitions and Tools to Support Alcohol Recovery, Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 12 noon ET. Each year in the United States, alcohol contributes to more than 200 health conditions and about 99,000 deaths. Alcohol misuse remains a...

El síndrome de Wernicke-Korsakoff

El síndrome de Wernicke-Korsakoff (Síndrome de WK) es un trastorno cerebral grave que, por lo general, pero no solamente, se asocia con el abuso crónico de alcohol y el trastorno grave por consumo de alcohol (AUD, por su sigla en inglés)

Data Directory and Reference Manuals

Alcohol Epidemiologic Data Directory The Alcohol Epidemiologic Data Directory [ PDF] is compiled by the Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System (AEDS). The directory is a current listing of surveys and other relevant data suitable for epidemiologic research on alcohol. Most data sets described in this document are national in scope. In some cases, however, select specialized data sets may be included...

Alcohol and the Brain: An Overview

Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways and can affect the way the brain looks and works. Alcohol makes it harder for the brain areas controlling balance, memory, speech, and judgment to do their jobs, resulting in a higher likelihood of injuries and other negative outcomes. Long-term heavy drinking causes alterations in the neurons, such as reductions in their size...

La verdad sobre el consumo de alcohol en las fiestas de fin de año

Muchos anticipamos las celebraciones de fin de año, pero estas fiestas también son momentos en los que algunas personas suelen beber más allá de sus límites en comparación con otras épocas del año. Algunas personas tendrán consecuencias negativas como peleas, caídas o accidentes de tráfico. Los mitos perduran A pesar de los posibles peligros, siguen existiendo mitos sobre el consumo...

NIH-funded study finds hepatitis C treatment gap for individuals with alcohol use disorder

A new study supported by the National Institutes of Health shows that individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) are less likely to receive antivirals for hepatitis C, despite current guidelines recommending antiviral treatment regardless of alcohol use. Direct-acting antiviral treatment is highly effective at reducing serious illness and death among individuals with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, a condition that...

Un estudio financiado por los NIH encuentra una brecha en el tratamiento de la hepatitis C para las personas con trastorno por consumo de alcohol

Un nuevo estudio avalado por los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud demuestra que las personas con trastorno por consumo de alcohol (o AUD en inglés) tienen menos probabilidades de recibir medicamentos antivirales para la hepatitis C, a pesar de que las guías actuales recomiendan el tratamiento antiviral independientemente del consumo de alcohol. El tratamiento antiviral de acción directa es altamente...

Risk-Based Monitoring and Reporting Requirements for NIAAA Funded Clinical Trials

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) requires enhanced monitoring and reporting for NIAAA-supported clinical trials that are rated as greater than minimal risk (as defined in federal regulations at 45 CFR 46.102(i) and 21 CFR 50.3(k)). The purpose of this guidance document is to clarify risk level definitions and NIAAA’s monitoring and reporting expectations for all NIAAA-funded...

Human Subjects Research and Clinical Trials

NIAAA supports human subject research and clinical trials through grants, contracts, and the NIAAA Intramural Research Program. Policies and guidance established by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), NIH, and NIAAA should be reviewed by researchers prior to applying for support or initiating studies involving human subjects research or clinical trials. The below policies and links to outside resources...

A Growing Concern: Increased Drinking Among Older Adults

The older adult population is increasing rapidly. Alcohol use among older adults is also increasing. As we focus on the quality of life for this growing population, it’s important to take into account how alcohol affects their overall health.

A Better Way to Talk About Problems with Alcohol Misuse

Did you know that language commonly used to describe alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorder (AUD) can influence treatment outcomes in people suffering from alcohol problems? Yes, that can often be the case. In fact, the stigma perpetuated by such language can decrease a person’s motivation to seek help for an alcohol problem

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Safely

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Because drinking alcohol is a large part of the St. Patrick’s Day festivities for many people, this is a good time to be mindful of how alcohol can impact your celebrations and your health.

Rethinking Your Holiday Drinking

The holidays are a time for celebration and alcohol is often present at festive gatherings. Despite all good plans, people may consume alcohol more than they intended.

Want to Reduce Stigma? Choose Your Words Wisely

We can help alleviate the stigma associated with alcohol-related conditions by consistently using non-pejorative, non-stigmatizing, person-first language to describe these concerns and the people who are affected by them. Keep in mind that some words that are commonly used in society, such as “alcoholic” and “alcohol abuse,” can be stigmatizing.

Mourning the Loss of a Great Addiction Pioneer

We are profoundly saddened at the passing of Dr. Mary Jeanne Kreek last week, at age 84.

Taking a Break from Alcohol Can be Good for Your Health

It’s always a good idea to periodically examine your relationship with alcohol. A popular way to do this is to participate in a sober month like Dry January or Sober October, which are health and wellness trends that emphasizes taking a break from alcohol for an entire month.

Combatting alcohol misuse among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic

In light of the current coronavirus pandemic, it is especially important this fall for college students to take the necessary measures to protect their health and well-being, particularly if schools have resumed in-person or hybrid classes. Especially now, students and college administrators need to understand the risks associated with alcohol use.

Holiday party? Here are tips for hosting a party including guests who may not be drinking

The holidays are a time to celebrate, often with family and friends. Many social gatherings include alcohol. However, many adults partaking in the festivities may not wish to drink alcohol for a variety of reasons.

Alcohol poses different challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every family across the country and will likely have a long-lasting impact on public health and well-being. Alcohol misuse is already a public health concern in the United States, with dramatic increases in emergency department visits and alcohol-related deaths observed in recent years. Alcohol has the potential to further complicate the COVID-19 pandemic in multiple ways.
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