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Rethinking Our Drinking Habits

Events such as Dry January and Sober October, as well as the broader sober curious movement, are rapidly gaining popularity, especially among Millennials.

It’s holiday party season – here’s what you need to know about the science of hangovers

The holiday season is here, bringing with it many opportunities for parties, celebrations, and for some – overindulging. So, it’s a good time to understand a little more about the possible consequences of these festivities, particularly the dreaded hangover.

Why September is Especially Important to Alcohol Research

September is a significant month for the alcohol field for two reasons: it’s the month dedicated to raising awareness about fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and to celebrating recovery from alcohol and other substance use disorders.

Alcohol + Summer Equal Potentially Dangerous Consequences

Summer is a wonderful time of year. The weather is great and school is out, so people take vacations and weekend road trips to the beach or lake, and spend time outdoors socializing with family and friends. However, along with summer comes more complications from drinking.

Take Time to Reflect on the Role Alcohol Plays in Your Life

Spring is a great time to think about your drinking patterns and how alcohol may affect your life.

Be mindful of your drinking throughout the year

As we move from January to February, some people’s motivation to keep their New Year’s resolutions starts to wane. But it’s a good idea to be mindful of how alcohol can adversely affect our health all year long.

Call the right play during the Big Game

The football playoffs are here and the Big Game is one of the biggest sporting events in the United States. This is the day that many people will get together with family and friends to root for their team.

Tis the season to be mindful of your drinking

The holidays are here! And since drinking alcohol is a part of holiday festivities for many people, it is a good time to be mindful of how it can affect our celebrations and our health.

Raising Awareness about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, also known as FASD, is a term that refers to the broad range of lifelong birth defects and neurodevelopmental abnormalities that occur as a result of prenatal alcohol exposure.

Alcohol and Summer - Think Before You Drink

For some people, summer activities involve drinking alcoholic beverages, so play it safe during the summer and be mindful of your alcohol consumption

Alcohol Awareness Month: Learn About Alcohol Use Disorder and Ways to Get Help

Alcohol Awareness Month is a good time to reflect on drinking patterns and the role that alcohol plays in our lives.

NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator: Pointing the Way to Quality Care

In any given year, more than 15 million adults in the US meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol use disorder, but less than 10% of them receive treatment... What accounts for this alcohol “treatment gap?”

Participating in Dry January? Here are tips for success.

There are many reasons why people choose to participate in Dry January—a time when people take a break from drinking and examine their relationship with alcohol. For some people, it may be part of a New Year’s resolution to incorporate healthy behaviors into their routine. Taking a break from alcohol for an entire month provides one with an opportunity to...

Unit on Motivation and Arousal

Overview of the Lab To survive all animals must meet basic needs that are guided by their physiological state. The behaviors an animal performs to satisfy these needs are called motivated behaviors. However complex a motivated behavior may be – whether simple, like following an enticing scent to a tasty treat, or complex, like a specialized courtship-mating ritual in order...

Generalidades sobre el alcohol y el cerebro (Spanish)

El alcohol interfiere con las vías de comunicación del cerebro y puede afectar la forma en que este se ve y funciona. El alcohol hace que sea más difícil para las áreas del cerebro que controlan el equilibrio, la memoria, el habla y el juicio hacer su trabajo, lo que resulta en una mayor probabilidad de lesiones y otros resultados...

American Heart Month: Another opportunity to examine your relationship with alcohol

February, which is American Heart Month and includes Valentine’s Day, serves as a good time to review the ways that alcohol misuse can damage a most vital organ—the heart. Research has demonstrated that long-term heavy drinking weakens the heart muscle, causing a disease called alcohol-associated cardiomyopathy, in which the left ventricle of the weakened heart dilates, stretches out, and cannot...
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