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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (CIFASD)
Joe Wang, Division of Metabolism and Health Effects Purpose The purpose of the proposed NOFOs is to solicit applications to continue the Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (CIFASD) consortium. CIFASD is an NIAAA-funded initiative conducting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) research through multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches. Applications responsive to these NOFOs should address urgent and important issues around...
Major update to popular alcohol facts and statistics resource
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has released a major update to the Alcohol Facts and Statistics webpage. The content of this popular online resource has been expanded with demographic and other data and is now reorganized for improved readability and easier navigability. The webpage can be found on the main NIAAA website in the Alcohol’s Effects...
U.S. Alcohol Epidemiologic Data Reference Manual, Volume 9
Alcohol-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations and Their Co-Occurring Drug-Related, Mental Health, and Injury Conditions in the United States: Findings from the 2006–2010 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) and Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) September 2013 National Institutes of Health National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 5635 Fishers Lane, MSC 9304 Bethesda, MD 20892‑9304 Acknowledgments This publication was developed by...
El ciclo de la adicción al alcohol
La adicción al alcohol es un trastorno crónico recurrente asociado con el consumo compulsivo de alcohol, la pérdida del control sobre la ingesta y la aparición de un estado emocional negativo cuando el alcohol ya no está disponible. El trastorno por consumo de alcohol (AUD, por su sigla en inglés) es una afección caracterizada por la capacidad deteriorada para detener...
How to Apply The Core Resource on Alcohol in Clinical Practice
The Healthcare Professional’s Core Resource on Alcohol consists of 14 concise, practical articles created to help you deliver evidence-based alcohol healthcare. If you’re wondering where to begin, the “roadmap” below can help. Roadmap for Applying the Core Resource Here, we sort the Core articles broadly into “how-to content” and “context for care” to show how they could be applied in...
Entender los riesgos de sobredosis de alcohol
Celebrar en fiestas, animar a un equipo deportivo favorito y disfrutar de reuniones después del trabajo son formas comunes de relajarse o estar con amigos. Para algunas personas, estas ocasiones también pueden incluir el consumo de alcohol, y aún más, el consumo excesivo y peligroso o en altas cantidades de alcohol. Y cuando esto sucede, las consecuencias pueden ser mortales...
Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM–IV and DSM–5
In May 2013, the American Psychiatric Association issued the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5). Although there is considerable overlap between DSM–5 and DSM–IV, the prior edition, there are several important differences in disorder terminology, diagnostic thresholds, removal/adding criterion, and description revisions.
Opciones de telesalud para tratamientos del alcohol
Si usted o un ser querido necesita ayuda con un problema de alcohol, hay varias opciones además de recibir tratamiento en persona. Puede tomar programas autoguiados en línea para reducir o dejar de consumir alcohol. Y puede participar en grupos de apoyo muto en línea. Puede crear un plan de cuidados que combine algunas o todas estas opciones. Tratamientos a...
Comprensión del trastorno por consumo de alcohol
El trastorno por consumo de alcohol (AUD, por su sigla en inglés) es una afección médica caracterizada por la capacidad disminuida de detener o controlar el consumo del alcohol a pesar de las consecuencias adversas sociales, ocupacionales o de salud. Abarca las afecciones que algunas personas conocen como abuso del alcohol, dependencia del alcohol, adicción al alcohol y el término...
The Basics: Defining How Much Alcohol is Too Much
Show your patients a standard drink chart when asking about their alcohol consumption to encourage more accurate estimates. Drinks often contain more alcohol than people think, and patients often underestimate their consumption. Advise some patients not to drink at all, including those who are managing health conditions that can be worsened by alcohol, are taking medications that could interact with alcohol, are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or are under age 21.
Alcohol Use Disorder: From Risk to Diagnosis to Recovery
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as “a problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress,” and is diagnosed as mild, moderate, or severe based on the number of symptoms, out of a possible 11, in the past 12 months.
Play it safe this summer and be mindful of alcohol’s effects on the body
Summer is a season of sunny days, vacations, and outdoor activities, such as backyard gatherings, swimming, and hiking. Summer activities and events may involve alcohol, so it’s important to understand the risks. Alcohol can impair a person’s ability to perceive and respond to changes in their environment. This is particularly a concern in situations that require attention and coordination, such...
Naltrexone or Specialized Alcohol Counseling an Effective Treatment for Alcohol Dependence When Delivered with Medical Management

The medication naltrexone and up to 20 sessions of alcohol counseling by a behavioral specialist are equally effective treatments for alcohol dependence when delivered with structured medical management, according to results from "Combining Medications and Behavioral Interventions for Alcoholism" (The COMBINE Study). Results from the National Institutes of Health-supported study show that patients who received naltrexone, specialized alcohol counseling, or...

Alcohol Increases Hepatitis C Virus in Human Cells

A team of NIH-supported researchers today report that alcohol increases replication of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in human cells and, by so doing, may contribute to the rapid course of HCV infection. The researchers tested the actions of alcohol in HCV replicon--viral HCV-ribonucleic acid or HCV-RNAs that, when introduced into human liver cell lines, replicate to high levels. In...

National Alcohol Screening Day - April 11, 2002

Alcohol and your health - where do you draw the line? This is the theme of the 2002 National Alcohol Screening Day, a program of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Screening for Mental Health, Inc., and their partners. Free, anonymous screening for alcohol problems, information on the health consequences...

Alcohol Researchers Prove "Saving Lives" Strategy Effective

Bethesda, Maryland. If multiple city departments and private citizens join together to implement comprehensive traffic safety strategies, they can significantly reduce traffic deaths and injuries, according to an article by Ralph Hingson, Sc.D., M.P.H., and colleagues at Boston University in the June American Journal of Public Health (Volume 86, No. 6). The Saving Lives program reduced traffic deaths by 25...

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