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Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2024-2028

Cross-Cutting Research Programs

Cross-cutting research programs are NIAAA-managed research portfolios that include topics spanning multiple research goals outlined in this strategic plan.

  • FASD Research Program
  • Alcohol and HIV Research Program

Research Goals

The strategic plan’s four major research goals cover the depth and breadth of research necessary to improve the understanding of and to address the effects of alcohol misuse on individuals and society.

Supporting the Mission

These goals aim to maintain and build a talented scientific and administrative workforce and to uphold optimal management and accountability, strategic collaboration, and communication of research results.

NIAAA Strategic Plan 2024-2028 cover page image

Download the NIAAA Strategic Plan, Fiscal Years 2024-2028

To download and review a full copy of the current NIAAA Strategic plan, click the link below.

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