Alcol e cervello: una panoramica (Italian)
الکل و مغز: کلیات (Farsi)
Pretreatment Increases Liver Transplant Survival in Rats
Pretreating transplanted livers with the immune molecule interleukin-6 (IL-6) dramatically increased survival of rats receiving organs with fatty degeneration—a common condition in humans that typically reduces transplant viability. The results suggest a means of making it possible to use a higher percentage of available donor livers for transplantation in humans. With over three times as many Americans needing transplants as...
LMP - Section on Transmitter Signaling (TS)
Mission Statement: Focuses on identifying the molecular components of intracellular signaling cascades. Ion Channel Modulation by Second Messenger Systems The Section on Transmitter Signaling focuses primarily on determining the molecular mechanisms underlying G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) modulation of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in neuronal systems using electrophysiological, optical, molecular, and biochemical techniques. A consequence of modulation, which usually manifests as a...
Rượu và Não bộ: Tổng quan (Vietnamese)
COGA Distribution Agreement
NIAAA/COGA DATA AND BIOMATERIALS DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT-- WAVE I and WAVE II WHEREAS, the national Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ("NIAAA") pursuant to its public health mission to identify and characterize the genetic basis of alcohol-related disorders supports research projects in which there is collection by scientific investigators and their relatives; WHEREAS, anonymous blood samples obtained from Wave I and/or...
Laboratory on Neurobiology of Compulsive Behaviors (LNCB)
The Laboratory on Neurobiology of Compulsive Behaviors is a Joint Laboratory of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) led by Dr. Veronica Alvarez. The Alvarez laboratory aims to understand the causes of substance use disorder (SUD). More specifically, we focus on the neuronal mechanisms that drive the high motivation to...
Laboratory on Human Psychopharmacology (HP)
What we do Alcohol use disorder (AUD) has a tremendous negative individual and global impact, and there is an urgent need to understand its etiology and to advance treatment for this devastating illness. Research on the clinical pharmacology of alcohol is necessary to explain how variability in alcohol response affects the risk of developing AUD. The premise underlying the research...
Section on Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology
Mechanisms for mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis in alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver and tissue injury – Dr. Song and his lab members have studied regulations and roles of the two enzymes involved in metabolism of alcohol and acetaldehyde: the ethanol-inducible cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) and mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2). In particular, the functional implications of increased CYP2E1 and decreased ALDH2...
Section of Sensory Science, and Metabolism
Laboratory of Liver Diseases
Clinical NeuroImaging Research Core (CNIRC)
Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience
Research in the Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience (LIN) examines the role of particular molecules in control of actions, acute alcohol intoxication, alcohol seeking behavior, alcohol use disorder and habitual behavior. Another aim of research in LIN is to examine the molecular mechanisms of synaptic modulation and plasticity related to action and habit learning. An important unifying theme of research within...
Section on Clinical Genomics and Experimental Therapeutics (CGET)
What we do The Section on Clinical Genomics and Experimental Therapeutics (CGET) conducts pre-clinical studies and translational clinical studies with focus on genomics and epigenetics related to the pathophysiology and treatment of alcohol use disorders and addictions. The pre-clinical work focuses on identifying molecular mechanisms involved in addictions, utilizing a wide array of methods including human population genetics, genome wide...
Laboratory of Neuroimaging
LNI uses brain imaging (PET, MRI and simultaneous PET/MRI) to study the neurocircuitry that underlies the rewarding effects of drugs of abuse and of natural reinforcers and their disruption in diseases of addiction and obesity. For this purpose we study how reward circuits modulate executive function (self-control), interoception, and motivation in the normal human brain including an understanding of the...
Section on Fibrotic Disorders
Section on Medicinal Chemistry
Laboratory of Behavioral and Genomic Neuroscience
Laboratory of Neurogenetics
Human Neurogenetics identifies functional loci that modulate pathways to vulnerability to alcoholism, other addictions, and related psychiatric disorders. To accomplish this it generates clinical datasets and collaborates with multiple laboratories. Its activities encompass human research protocols, large scale SNP detection using massively parallel sequencing, array and capillary electrophoresis based genotyping, in vitro and in vivo functional analyses of receptor variants...